Chapter 7

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Gwen's Perspective

It's nearing midnight, but I just can't sleep. I’m sitting under the covers on my bed with a book in my hands. I’m not really paying attention to the words, I’m thinking about Vivian. It's only been a few days, but I feel such a connection to this girl. I’m so glad I found her when I did. Of course, I only want to help Vi, so that's what I’m going to do. 

Suddenly, I notice a presence in the room beside me. I look up quickly and from being lost in thought, it takes me a moment to realize it’s Vivian.

"Vi, what's wrong?" I ask, concerned. 

"I need to tell you something..." Vivian fidgets with her hands, her eyes darting around the room and meeting mine rarely. She seems nervous to tell me something, but why would she be? I can never get mad at this girl. Anything she could tell me, I would gladly listen to before jumping to any conclusions. 

"What's going on, babe?" I place my book down, moving back and pulling the covers away to allow her to slip in. I pat the spot beside me. When she climbs in, I pull the covers over us, smiling encouragingly for her to go on. 

Vivian takes a moment to respond. 

"Um, it's about earlier..." She says quietly. 

"Okay, honey. You can tell me anything,"  I tell her, placing my hand on her knee lightly. 

She looks up at me momentarily. The look in her eyes tells me she's willing to talk and that she trusts me enough. 

"Well... what I told you about how I got hurt in my side today... that isn't true. I'm so sorry I lied," She says, her voice turning quiet and shy. 

Vi looks down, playing with the hem of her sock. She's clearly afraid of my reaction and even though I'm not happy she lied, she doesn't need to be afraid of the consequences. 

"Vivian, look up at me." I tell her. My voice holds more of a firmness to be heard by Vivian. But when I get her attention, I begin to regret it as her eyes hold a sliver of fear. 

So with that, I soften my voice, "What really happened then?" 

"This girl" Vivian starts, "She's never been nice to me. She came up to me today and started to... to talk about my body," She stutters, but I keep listening tentatively. Vi continues after taking a moment, "she called me 'fat' of course, but then goes on to comment that I have no figure. I know I have no figure, but I also know I'm not fat. I'm as thin as can be... Anyways, she starts to kick me in my side... I guess to prove that I have no sort of waist." 

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I try not to tear up at what I’ve just heard. I’m speechless. I can’t believe someone can do these things to this sweet girl here beside me. 

"And to come clean about the other lies..." Vivian continues and I furrow my eyebrows. What other lies? 

"No, I'm not fine and yes, this is hurting me. The reason why I was so anxious in the car this morning was not because I don't like school - I actually like learning a lot - but I was worried you'd leave me there... I thought you wouldn't come back." Her voice becomes quiet, guilt laced in heavily,

"That's everything I've lied about to you. I'm really sorry, Gwen." 

I take a moment to process everything. If only I could have control and make sure that this girl wouldn’t be able to hurt Vivian like this. But I can’t do much at all. I wish I could foster her. I have my license and it’s still good for a long while. My career isn't too crazy right now. So what’s stopping me from asking Vivian about this?

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