Chapter 9

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"So today, I've got a busy day and I won't be back until late, but Blake will pick you up from school. Okay?" Gwen tells me that morning as she scampers around the kitchen, getting ready for the day.


She smiles at me, leaving the room momentarily. I finish my breakfast then as thoughts make their way into my head. The silence allows me to remember what Gwen had asked me only a few days ago. She wants to foster me... but why me? For these last few days, I've been racking my brain for reasons as to why she would consider taking me in as a foster kid. I could tell that when she asked me, she wasn't all that sure herself. I'm not sure what she was thinking, and I'm not sure if she wants an answer soon. Legally, I should be living with my mother. Living with Gwen when my own mother has no idea isn't allowed, but from the way we've clicked, I trust her. Plus, she's a celebrity. She's in the public eye most of the time which means she has little time to do shady things and to be a bad person.

I hope I'm right on that.

She comes back into the kitchen shortly after, her expression changing when she glances at me. She seems confused and concerned.

"You okay, Vi?" She asks.

I look up quickly, nodding, "yeah, just thinking."

At this point, I've finished my breakfast and gotten ready for another day at school. Thankfully, tomorrow we get the day off. School has been draining and just overall too much to deal with all in one week.

In the car on our way, Gwen once again brings up this morning. I don't mind how much she cares about my wellbeing and my feelings, but it takes getting used to.

"Honey, what were you thinking about earlier? You looked sad and confused." She questions. I bite my lip, wondering if this was the right time to bring it up.

"I uh-" I start, then change my words around. "It's nothing. You have a busy day ahead of you. I don't want to mess with that or hold you back in any way." I tell her instead.

We're almost to school and the last thing I want to do is make her late for the start of her busy day.

I hear her sigh lightly, "Babe, I'm here for you. You can tell me what's on your mind."

I shake my head, saying, "I can't hold you up, Gwen."

She doesn't push me to say anything after that which I'm thankful for in that moment.

When we arrive at school, I collect my bag and am about to tell her goodbye when she places her hand on my arm, stopping me. I look back at her, raising an eyebrow.

Gwen proceeds to rummage through her purse, pulling out a cellphone. It seems like a moderately new phone.

"Okay, since you don't want to hold me up, take my old cellphone to text me on. It already has my number inputted in it so you'll be good to go if you need me at any point in the day." She smiles, handing it over, "I'll try to answer as quick as possible, okay?"

"O-okay... thank you so much, Gwen." I say in shock.

"You're welcome, Vi. Have a great day at school and I'll see you later tonight." She waves to me as I get out.

"Bye Gwen."

"Bye Sweetheart." She smiles before driving off. Now I am left to face another school day, me against everyone else.


Even as I wait for Blake to pick me up at the end of the day, I can't stop thinking about the incident with Jessica today. It was like she had changed in that split second when she lost it in front of all those students. I think I had done the right thing standing up for her, but I can't forget about the things she used to say and do to me. She had hurt me, repeatedly. But somehow, I couldn't hate her.

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