papa Tom and dada lucius

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Regulus is a little with a ddlb non sexual relationship with Tom and lucius  who is good cos he's a darlin and albus is an arse. Also of course he's their little hufflepuff. Plusd red is gonna wear nappies as his parents caused a spinal injury he never fully recovered from. My poor baby reg and sirius.
Tw -abuse by both reg and sirius' parents and abrax malfoy

Tom p.o.v

It's regulus' graduation day and Lucy is waiting for him at the train station as I don't want to be noticed and cause either of them more pain. I hear a pop of apparation and sirius is holding his godson who claps as soon as he sees me
"Hey little man"
I take him and cradle the small boy as Sirius rolls his eyes
"Thought of day hi to my little brother. I've heard hes been doing better with his walking"
I nod and sirius has taken Harry back just as lucius floos with reg held close. He is clutching his walking stick tightly and sirius again passed me Harry to rush to his brother and good him close, gently picking him up and carrying him to the sofa where he winced slightly
"Hey Harry"
He waves at the boy, taking him into his arms obviously not in littlspace as he holds the boy close
"Hey you trouble. Your uncle sirius hasn't been anoyikg has he?"
the one year old giggles and clings to regulus. Sirius gets up and huhs lucius,
"Thanks for being there for him after everything luce"
My partner nods and ruffles the shorter man's hair.
"I'm going to let you three be and return this little one to James before the man starts panikikg."

As soon as the two allarate away I make my way closer to Reggie. Who is groaning in pain and holding his back as his eyes tear up. I kneel infront of him, taking him genlty into my arms as luce goves him a pain potion
"Hey baby, I got you. Papa has you little badger"
I is obviosuly slipping so i rock him genlty carefull of his back knowing of his chronic pain,
"Papa. M'nap nap"
I nod and kiss his cheek and pick him up to lay him on the changing table a have for him and baby Harry. I kiss his belly as I take his trousers off so I can get to his dirty nappy. I wipe him down and powder him as he begins to clap, chewing in his fingers as he finishes slipping
"Hey badger. That's icky I don't want you getting ill little one"
Lucius replaces his fingers with a dummy as I finish putting his napoy on after masaging around his bladder so he won't set this one so quickly.

I get him into a yellow onsie and pick him up, holding him close, Lucy has made a warm bottle of milk with his other potions in for his back and other injuries that have had severe consequences. I hold him back and hold the bottle to his lips what he instanlty latches on, one hand holding the bottle around mine as he wiggles his feet happily. I burp him gently and Lucy magics his cot downstairs which I put him in and tuck his blankets over him but he reaches up for me
"Papa. No tired "
"Okay badger, do you want to sit with me and dada then?"
He nods exitedly so I lift him back out still wrapped in his blankets and I hold him close as one of his hands holds onto my robes and the other clings to his own oensie.

Lucy kisses his forehead
"How's draco and narcissa luc?"
"She's doin g really well and is back to work, and Bella is looking after him today and so Dragon and cissa are staying here for a while. Appearances and then out Reggie can get to know his baby brother can't he"
The little's eyes are wide and he giggles
"My buba?"
"Yeah your baby brother"
Lucius smiels as reg giggles happily
"You no hurt he good buba"
I feel myskef tear up and both of us hold him tight
"No little one. Never never to it him. That's was a big big bad and thays why dada and papa cuddle you and look after you. You weren't a bad boy they were yeah.and so we're dada's parents yeah"
He nods and falks asleep on my chest as Lucy curls uo to my aid with his head on my shoulder and tears in his eyes.

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