family dinners are fun

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Trans Sirius

Tw- you know the drill but here it is. Abuse, self hate, self harm, homophobia and transphobia and eating disorders

Reg is a slytherin
Sirius' deadname is Cymbeline Walburga Black


Sirius p.o.v

Reg is sat in the garden and I am sat locked I my room, curled up on the windowsill waiting for remus to call me through our mirors.

"Rem please call me I need you"
I hear my door knock and my mother call up for me
"CYMBELINE we have guuests get down here right now. And dress nicely would you"

Reg looks uo to my window having heard us and I makes a firework explode outside my window causing me to smile and the blue tones do their most to push away my dysphoria.

I pull on my stockings with gartners and my corset with my petticoats and then the skirt and bodice of my dress before pullj ng my formal tone over my shoudlers and buckling it so the broach hold in it together lays off my chest. I don't want to do it but I year my body son survive another push let alone a crucio so I force myself to appear femmenine infront of my parents knowing that reg will be there to comfort he after and help me into my binder.

I tuck my same into a insode pocket I my robe and tie my hair up into a olaited bun before reg opens my door and kisses my cheek
"Would you take my arm. Out cousins have arrived with heir Malfoy"
He lets me mean weight into his arm after noticing my limp and once we get downstairs downstairs a sent a glare by my parents and greet lucius cissa, Bella and andromena with a curtsey. Lucius kisses my hand and Bella hugs me to her chest whispering in my ear
"Its going to be alright Sirius. We'll try and get you out soon"
I smile at her and cissa hugs me aswell
"Oh I have an announcement for the dinning table"
She is obviosuly exited and lucius take her hand and kisses her cheek affectiontely
"Calm my love we must wait it is imo propper"
He obviosuly tried to hide hisb laugh at his he is speaking and sends me a wary look as I lean on reg with my limp hindering me
"Oh I must also talk to regulus about my studies into becoming a medi witch"
My brother smiles and I notice he has one of his healer books in his pocket as we head to the tea room where we sit drinking tea wary mine and reg's parents are probably listening in so I sit next to lucius, him always having been like a protective older brother to me.

He lays a hand on my shoudler and means down to whisper as cissa talks loudly with reg to distract any earwigging
"I spoke to the auroir office and they have given me permission to take you and reg into mine and cissa's custody whenever you need it permanently and also I spoke to a healer at the ministry about Testosterone and she said she would need a check up but you shoukd be okay to start asap. Ill pay for it as i know tou may not get your inheritance my awful little gyriffindoor"
I smile and hug him around his waist
"Thank you lucius. I really owe you one"
"Don't tell bstone but baby sitting duties would be nice"
Cissa is quiet
"Lucius that was for dinner"
She is blushing bright red but no one else heard so we soon walk into the dinning room, lucius letting me lean further into him but painting a face of disgust to please my parents as he pulls out a chair for me, sitting opposite his wife and regulus sits next to me, him fiddling with his heir ring after what lucius told us. I lay my hand on his elbow and he gives a small smile, talking my cloak and adromana's, father taking mother and Bella's and lucius taking narcissa's with a soft kiss to her hand and when they sit down lucius obviosi miss a foot either side of one of Cissa's as my parent sit at either head of the table
"Ah narcissa and myself have sone news"

She blushed and her hand tests in her stomach
"I'm pregnant"
She smirks down at her stomach and lucius is beaming obviously exited, try leans over
"They beant lils and james"
I accidentky laugh and lucius take to move attention away from me but my parents notice and send glares my way but I can't eat. I know I don't deserve to eat so i don't have anything despite the squeeze of my hand from regulus
"At least drunk something "
I whispered in my ear and I drink my minty coffee as i usually do. Reg takes my hand under the table and all too soon my cousins and lucius are fine and regulus Iis sent upstairs with a tough shove and grip the beeper Lucy have me in my hand in case of emergency and I am hot with a crucio that knocks the wind out of me, why did I come home for Christmas.

I feel my limbs hitting the floor and the sheer white pain engulfing me and then father stands on my shoudler joint
"So Sirius is it. What a freak"
How did They find out, I panic and my chest is painfully obvious in my dress, the skirts fskkijg between my shaven legs and my hair having fallen over my shoudlers
"Stupid gryfindoir also thinks she's a boy now. Ridiculous"

The use of the wrong pronouns makes everything worse
"Oh Cymbeline such a freak"
He kicks my side and mother crucios me and when she stops I see regulus peeling through the banister rails, test a die. His cheek and his mirror in his hand and I feel my conciousnees facing m I'm scared I won't wake up so I press on the button lucius gave me and hear apparition cracks and feel my glamours fall when my eyes close and the last thing I hear is lucius' voice
"Hang I there for me uncle sirius"
I need to get through this for my little nephew.


Soft fingers are carding through my hair as I come to, and I manage to open my eyes to see remus with tears brimming
He looks me over and kisses me soflty
"Oh Sirius. Lucius get your star over here right fucking now or so help me you arse"
"Language babe"
Lucius takes my hand
"You should have pushed it sooner Sirius, you were barely alive when we got there. Out little one needs their uncle sirius speaking of, my healer friend from the ministry is common later to discuss T"

I smile and name runs in, remus being towed along
I flinch at the shouting and remus comes over, his gentle hands cupping my face as he sits next to me
"Oh Sirius, hey handsome I'm right here"

I notice the blanket over me is bumped right where I don't want it to be and my hair is long agaisnt my back
"Sirius, breathe love, breathe.the healer said you can put your binder on he just wanted you to wake up,  come here my love"
He helps me sit up and I notice my arm in a sling and a slight pain in my shoudler
"It was dislocated but its going ti be fine"
I nod and he shoos everyone as he lowers my blanket and gown beofre he helps me into my binder carefull of my shoudler and then goes my hair up in a messy bun
"The you go love,  just rest"
I lay my bac against the bed and notice reg is standing with his back to the door, hands up by his face
"Is he okay"
"Your joke about James and Lily. You k nowbhes dating prong and you knownhownkuch he hates seeing you in pain"
I frown and call out for my brother who sits next to me
"Hey I'm sorry little brother I was only joking about evans"
I smiles and I hold his hand
"I love you little brother"
"I love you too Sirius, please son leave me"

Cissa returns and takes my hand from reg and lays it on her stomach
"See uncle sirius is okay. He started kicking when you were hurt didn't you little one"
Lucius kiss her cheek
"Shes a girl"
Cissa glares at him and hugs me
"He's my little bunny"
"No she's a little dragon"

I laugh at the pair and the healer is soon in the hospital room to talk to me about t and taking bloods to check my hormone levels.

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