you're still my little brother

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Reg- slytherin
Tw- abuse, Self harm, Self hate, anorexia.

Sirius p.o.v

I am sat in my room at number 12, my wand pointed at my wrist as i try to get a grip. I bandage the wounds beofre pulling my sleeves down, pulling on the rest of my dress robe set. Reg is sat at the top of the stairs and doesn't speak to me as I walk downstairs, noticing my wrists are already bleeding through my white shirt. I sit down at the table and kreacher being me good which I refuse, he brings me a minty coffee instead which I drink slowly untill Lord and lady black get home, I hold onto my hip where the phases of the moon are tattoed minius the full moon where a small picture of padfoot is. I am pulled up by the cravat tied neatly around my neck.
"You know what your dearest cousin bellatrix told us today?"
"What mother"
She splashed my hor coffee in my face
"To and that half blood scum the lupin boy. I the things youget up to"
I feel my face drain of colour and try to get away before a want is placed at my throat, I gulp and am asked again
"Don't call him that"
I manage to whinge it out and a stro my crucio nocks my completely off of my feet I groan and as the curse is screamed out again, I brave but feel nothing except somethinf land ontop of my ankle. I almsot growl as I notice my brother has stepped in the way of the curse, I pull my wand from my hair immediately, casting disarming spells on them both as I scoop up my whimpering little brother. Running upstairs beofe out parents can pick up their wands again. His wand is in his top so i run to the slytherin's room locking the door with stromg locking charms as I use my two way mirror to send an sos to James, this being the last straw. The fourteen year old screams out in pain though and i help her his outer ribs off, holding him close to myself so he can feel safe. I can't gel the gasp I let out as I see his dark mark though and he tucks it into his chest
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I couldn't stop it"
I get her him into my arms, rocking him back and forth gently
"you're still my little brother you moron"
He smiles soflty and i hold his head to my chest as i find his healer notepad, I open it for the instant heal for the curse I know he has and gently take one arm away from him to cast it, all the movements soft and the spell itself quiet. I turn back to the notepad and see his elegant writting on another page about nutrient potions that don't taste like mind instead
"Reg ?little brother please dont tell me I'm so so sorry "
"I couldn't bear you putting yourself through that and I know how sensetive tou are to the taste of potions"
I smile down at him but I jumps up, pullinghis wand out and pointing it at my face. I jump back but feel a coolness wash over my burning face. I then preforms the samesleek as earlier,
"Sirius you're bleeding!"
There is blood staining my hands but i pull them away from my brother, but him reaching back for them is interupted by a frantic knocking at the window. I pull it up for James to come in, his eyes travel to my brother and they throw themselves at each other. James gently striking reg's hair out of his face
"Sorry to break I the moment but how the hell did I not know "
"You're an oblivious shit mate"
James hugs me gently, checking my visible skin over untill he gets to my hands and with the two of them they wrestle my outer robe off, red gently easimg up my sleeves and taking my bandadging off
His small voice hurts and James holds my little brother close and James preforms healing spells on my wrists.
"what happened differently this time bud ?"
"He jumped infront"
I feel sick knowing my little brother got hurt and it's all my fault,
"I have a name you jerk"
Reg is smiling and hugs me tightly
"You got the brooms?"
"Yeah do to need to pack?"
Reg begins packing, and I move quickly to my room, grabbing my framed photo of remmy and I and reg and I packing my school things aswell as most is in my room before shrinking my trunk and running back to reg's room. James has my brother back in his arms, rubbing his back as he cries. I gulp and grab my broom from where James left it, trying not to cry at my brother being so upset. His beanie is now over his soft curls and I smile at how my best friend so obviosi ly caresfor reg.

"Ref you wanna come with me or Mr lovey dovey"
My brother boushes as he looks back at me, James shrinks his trunk and pockets it, he kisses my brother and reg smiles up at him. I roll my eyes and my little brother runs up to me, squeezing me tightly as he leans his chin on my shoulder .

When we get back to potter mannor and angry last potter is on the top of the stairs so I grip my brother to my side as James walks up
"Yes mum?"
"were in merlin's name were were you!"
He steps aside and lady potter instantly sofftens and she rushed over
"Oh boys, come here"
She pulls us to get close, reg clinging tighter to me im fear.
"Oh I'm sorry dear, now regulus and sirrius what on earth are you doing here at 10 in the evenimg "
James laughs and stands next to us, reg moving to his arms and James gvijg go a kiss on the top of his head
"They hurt regulus"
I look up to see Lord potter running out of the house after the noise
"Sirius son!"
He pulls me into a hug and James pulls out his mirror
"I want to speak to moony"
I roll my eyes
"James don't bother him it's too near a full moon"
Reg looks up at me
"He really is a warewolf! I thought so I thought so. That's incredible, I need to tell Seb he has this option he's been developing to help warewolf transformations but doesn't know any warewolves"
I hear a laugh from james's mirror
"Hello then regulus. You can tell him if you must, he's our friend though you know he just doesn't quite know about moony"
I rush over and my boyfriend is smiling tiredly from his bed with his covers almost over his head fully.
"Hey remmy "
"You know I was worried! I was super scared. I love you I love you so much"
"I love you too"

Ref hugs me from behind
"What about me?"
"I love you too reg so so much"
"Ha you goof I love you too shorite"
I groan and turn into padfoot just to tackle him to the floor and murder him with slobber.

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