first night as a hufflepuff

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Reg -huffleouff
Tw- abuse , Self harm, Self hate, eating disorder
Also thisbis gonna be Dumbledore bashing and like the parents are cruddy but Tom is good not a blood purist and lucius and narcissa were forced into an aranged marriage
Also slight gint to a ddlb nonsexual relationship between Tom and regulus.

The youngest black sits at the end of the hufflepuff table, having snuck lupin a nourishment potion for his brother already. Everyone in the house ignores the black haired boy untill he feels a gentle arm aroind him and sees his older brother kneeled next to him.
"Reggie, I love you little brother"
He squeezes me gently and wakes me from my shock,
"reg , nice deep breathes reg. You gotta calm down little brother"

His familiar comfort is nice but as we are called to go to the common room, I freeze up, but a passing slytherin grabs  me by the scruff of my tones and shove me to the floor, causing my brother to let out a growl and punch him as Remmy helps me up, holding me to him and rushing to get me to my common room
"Reg hey reg hey buddy. I gotta leave you here stay safe okay?"
He nods and a prefect opens the door, ushering the crying boy in. The shove reminding him all too much of the home life he craved to leave behind. The prefect offers him a hug and holds the crying first year close to himself
"I saw what happened. All the other first years aresorted so thisbis the common room. And the boys dorm up to the left, first years need to be up and ready by seven tomorrow morning and at breakfast we'll all get our timetables.

He nods and is led to his dorm where all the others state at him as he makes it to his bed where his trunk is on it waiting to be unpacked. The young boy tries to persuade hismelf he belongs here  as he stares at the crest of black on the large leather trunk, it screaming his pure-blood heritage. Down to the slytherin green leather straps, I traced them with his hand not bandaged from hitting the mirror before he left for the train, he pulls a healer book out of go satchel and opens it to the right page as he softly mutters a spell before taking the bandaging off of his now scared wrist as it took him so long to get an opportunity to cast the spell.

"You're brilliant! That's a hard spell. It's amazing!"
The youngest black turns to see a mousey haired boy laying stomach down on his bed with his head at the wrong end to make conversation with his new room mates.
"I want to be a healer"
"No wonder you're with us then. Or you could've been ravenclaw though"

The dark haired boy shrugs and pulls out the rest of his books, mostly more advanced than for the first years. He puts them in the bookshelves under his bed, laying out his silk green pyjamas ontop of his bed and putting up now yellow and black robes away in his wardrobe.

As he stands in the bathroom the young boy can't help but point his wand shakily at his thighs, gulping back tears as he mumbled cutting curses, sogjing out in relief as his flesh is torn through, he feels fuzzy though and his magic wont let him heal his legs as he hits his head on the floor, his lower limbs refusing rosupport his body weight any further.


The third year Gryffindor is shaken awake by the panicked werewolf. He flinxhes as he becomes concious, forgettinf about his safetlt untill his eyes meet his boyfriend's panicked ones
"Reg passed out come on Sirius "

The taller grabbed sirius' hand and pulls him quickly so the way to the med wing. Both boys out of breathe, lucius malfoy is waiting sat I the floor, head in hands untill he heard the quick but well postured footfalls of the ex black heir, his betrothed is in with her cousin and remus kneels infront of the blonde boy
"Lucius, what hapenned? Oh my God lucius what the gel happened to your shoulder?"
The already married sixteen year old just shakes his head and Sirius helps him up with his good arm
The blonde gulps and the short black pulls the malfoy into a side hug,
The boy nods
"The only reason I agreed to move in with Narcissa, and reg passed out due to blood loss, self harm it's awful. I dumbledoor keeps trying to like his nose in and blame it on Tom it's not tons fault. Reg needs you Sirius"

He nods and rushed to his brother's side
"Regulus.  Hey little brother, I'm gonna get rem to bring lucius in cos abrax dislocated his shoulder. Oh reg come here little brother"
He plants himself elegnalty next to his brother, taking the younger but taller boy into his arms.
"Hey my little hufflepuff why?"
He just shakes his head and clings to his older brother as the three of his cousins also sit around by the bed aswell as lucius who has his arm healed by narcissa as soon as she notices,  squeezing her husband's hand. But they are interupted as another young man runs in, his robe hood over his soft aristocratic features and beautifull red eyes.

"Regulus! Oh little one"
He holds the boy he sees as his own in his arms as soon as he is anywhere close, reaching over to press a small kiss to Lucius' lips and to all the cousin's cheeks and then shakes the warewolf's hand.
"Regulus. To gotta talk to me son, I can't loose you. You are like a son to me regulus please"

The man's partner is pulled into the hug aswell as the eldest black brother awws jokingly untill his brother falls asleep soflty cacconed in his father figures arms.

"Tom please can he stay at yours over Christmas. They think your what dumb dumb portrays you as so won't argue it hurt him and being I headspace for the two weeks will help him I think"

The supposed dark Lord hugs each black and both malfoys as he holds the little close, passing the sleeping boy his snake that looks like nagini and his little badger soft toy.

"Hey my little hufflebubba. I got you"

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