minty coffee

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By the way, I do take requests.

So I've written it into other shots that reg makes a nutrients potion as he can't bare the right of his brother killing himslef with his eating disorder. This is Sirius finding out why reg and rmeus always give him minty coffee that reminds him of warm hugs and comforting words.

Also good Tom and bad Dumbledore and mentions of luc and Tom DDLB non-sexual relationship with reg

Tw- abuse, eating disorders, self harm

Regulus - ravenclaw

The Black heir sits at the ravenclaw table, reading over his potions journal unable to watch his brother but eating. Lucius places himslef next to the younger, regulus with one hand in the head of his walking stick
"Lucius I know you're there. You're not very subtle especially not with that hickey "
The younger watches his friend turn bright red having obviosuly spent the Christmas holiday with Tom to get away from his parents
"How is Tom then?"
"He's alright but you know he worried about you, especially with your back"

The younger blushes and the older gently squeezes his better shoudler
"I know lucius but I have to be there for Sirius and to have my inheriance to help Sirius and get to uni"
Lucius frowns and squeezes the boys knee
"How are your options going then?"
"I'm debating wether to strengthen the nutrients potion. I can't watch him die"
The older tries to ignore the scarring on the younger, know he fears both the boy's death whenever he goes home and has seen the younger nearly die at his parents hands too many times.

The boy smiles and gets up, leaning on his walking stick and hiding his pain and limp, he makes sure to brush agaisnt the werewolf to tell him to meet in the library as he gets there, pulling out his potions journal and other potions books waiting for the young options genius and the werewolf.

Severus sits next to the young man, him slightly curled on himself after her another holiday being forced home by the headmaster.
"Severus, take it"
The older takes the nutrition potion just as remus rushes into the library, dearly anxious about something
"He won't ear anything, and he was too tired to drink his coffee"
The other boys share worried looks and regulus begins scratching at the thin scars over his wrists, the warewolf moves to hold the younger close to himself,
"Do you want me to get Lucius darling ?"
The boy shakes his head and sits back up fully,
"Sirius? "
The older has walked into the library and is staring at the three others, he walks closer and makes out his brother's elegant handwriting, the mint flavoured nutrient potion, perfect to be mixed into any hot drink .
"What the hell?"
Regulus pushes himelf up, taking his brother's hands
"I'm sorry. I couldn't watch and do nothing"
"You care?"
Both boys are crying
"Of course I care you idiot. I love you youre my big brother you're all i have sometimes"

The shorter boy is already crying but it's through the fear that he pushed through his brother, I forced his brother to be scared, the guilt is lapping at him untill a large wave washes u in off of his feet and he is in his animagus form racing out of the castle in separate need of a breathe of fresh air. He pants as he jumps into a tree in the forbidden Forrest, his paws covering his face as he lets out a howl of guilt, wincing as he thinks of the pain his younger brother must have gone through to create a potion like that.

The large dog whimpers, not knowing how to feel about the minty coffee that makes him feel cared about when it wraps it's warm arms around him. He just curls up in a large hollow and whimpers to himself.

Meanwhile in the castle, remus is shakily digging around for the map, but regulus is sending a patronus to find his brother and to call madam pomfrey to help us search
"What if he's hurt reg"
"Remus, calm down, he won't be he won't be"
But the younger knows he could be lying to hismelf and soon as he comforting arms are holding him to a very familiar muscular chest
"Hey reg , I got you, we're going to find him okay, it's just a lot for him to take in"


After hours of searching the young brk that black is being given a piggy-back ride by the malfoy hair after his back growing too painfull to walk
"Lucius stop "

The warewolf besides them, James potter by his side has frozen still, turning his head beofre running to a dead tree
"Sirius love, can we come up?"
The youngest in the gro unnoticed how high up his brother is and shimmies down from the blonde's back
"Sirius, I am so so sorry, I know i should have talked to you but I was a scared you would be fine before you listened "
The injured boy manages to climb the tree, much to the displeasure of his friends at the bottom
"Reg you could've hurt yourself comming up!"
"I don't mind Sirius"
"Im sorry I freaked out, i never knew you cared so much and im so so sorry i worried hou so much its just i didnt think i deserved to eat, Im also a disappointment and never deserved to eat at home"

The small teen is held by his slightly larger brother
"Sirius, we all love you so much and you will always deserve food no matter what. You will always deserve love and food and nothing, you are my big brother Sirius and you mean the world to me"
Lucius helps both down, one boy on his back down at a time, the cold has obviosuly gotten to Sirius so Remus picks the worryingly light male up; he is held to the warewolf's front with his legs wrapped around the taller's waist and head tucked into his neck.

"I got you Sirius, I love you sirius"
"Please help me get better, i promise I'll try"
"I know you will handsome, I know to will and we'll all be there every fucking step"
Sirius blushes and koala clings to Remus as he leads them to the castle
"Can I take you to the medical wing tonight? "
The boy in his arma hesitates before nodding
"Okay but you gotta stay with me"
"Of course and so will everyone else if you want "
He nods and when they get to the hospital wing, madam pomfrey takes the shivering boy and lays him down on a bed
"Sirius dear, what happens today? Do you want me to call Tom over, no lucous I'm not asking you because I can two what the answer will be because of that hickey"
Lucius blushes as Sirius agreed to tom comming over, knowing how much his brother has missed him aswell, she checks up on Regulus' back quickly noticing his winces
"Sirius love what happened?"
Regulus speaks up, passing her his potions journal opened on the neutrients potion page and she nods, wrapping Sirius in thick blankets whilst scanning his digestive system and anything caused by malnutrition,the relative cosm is imterupsted by Tom running in, worry painted over his features. He picks up regulus who is cuddled up in Lucius' arms
"Hey buba. I got you"
"Yeah reg it's papa"
Lucius fills him in on what hapoend and he nods, bouncing the little in his arms up and down unrill he is asleep agaisnt his chest, a dummy in his mouth and in a oensie especially designed to keep his back supported and warm.

"Oh Tom, he looks adorable"
Madam pomfrey kisses the man's forehead before checking Sirius' temperature and helping him drink a minty coffee and then eat a small ammoint of soup
"I'm going to call st mungos for a mind healer to come tomororw morning to help. Can you sleep in here though, you've become hypothermic"
He nods and Remus holds the bundle close as Lucius kisses his partner goodbye
"I'll take reg to get a good night love"
He nods and hugs Regulus before Tom heads home with the little in his arms.

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