Meeting the Acorn Man Namd Cricket

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Once they got back, Usopp and Chopper were fixing the ship. "Hey Chopper, can you fix these two up?" Nami said as they got on board. "Ahh! What happened to you!" Chopper said as he ran around patching them up. "Luffilia~, what happened. Zoro, why didn't you protect our captain!" Sanji said as he came out of the galley. "They didn't fight! Why didn't you fight back?!" Nami asked as Chopper finished. "There was no point to fight back. We won, and that's that." Zoro said as he sat against the broken mass. "There was no point?" Nami said, pointing to Luffilia. "How about the sexual harassment that Luffilia got?" Nami said as Luffilia turned to her.

"Nami, that's a bond to happen as pirates." Luffilia said, smiling as Robin came back on board with new clothes. "I got information that might lead us to Sky Island." Robin said as she came over. Robin explained the map that has an X. "This is Jaya. What's at the X?" Luffilia asked as Robin told them that there a crazy man named Cricket who may know how to get to Skypiea. "So he might know how to get there." Luffilia said, smiling as she gave an order to head there.

As they headed to Cricket, they ran into Shoujou and his sonar team. "He keeps rambling." Luffilia said as Sanji, Usopp, and Chopper nodded as Shoujou kept talking. "Dosen't he remind you of Masira?" Usopp said as Luffilia nodded as that peeked Shoujou intrested. "What? Masira! What did you do to my brother?" Shoujou asked, getting upset. "We kicked him off our ship." Luffilia said, making Shoujou angry as he used vibrations on the Going Merry, breaking it apart. "The Going Merry is taking on more damage." Usopp said as they tried to move backward to get out of the range of the sound wave.

When they did get to Mont Blanc Cricket, they were not expecting. "That's huge!" Luffilia said as Zoro placed a hand on her hat. "That's just a cutout, so don't get too excited." Sanji said as they anchor their ship. "Aww, that's lame." Luffilia said, looking at the tiny house behind it. Luffilia then walked up to the house, knocking before entering. "Hello!" Luffilia said, seeing no one as Usopp try to get her out. "No one's home." Luffilia said, closing the door as she saw Chopper digging, Nami holding a book, and Sanji telling them he's from the North blue. "Ya Noland, the liar is a famous fairy tale in the North Blue." Sanji said, smiling as if it brought good memories.

As Nami read the book, Luffilia looked into the ocean seeing bubbles before she fell in by leaning too far in. "Captain over board!" Usopp said as he went to grab Luffilia. "What happened!?" Usopp asked as Luffilia took a deep breath. "I leaned too close to the water." Luffilia said as they pulled themselves out. "What happened?" Luffilia asked when seeing a man on the ground with Chopper looking over him. Chopper explained that it's a condition that happens when people dive down but don't decompress on the way up. Luffilia saw a picture of the money brothers as she dub them along with cricket.

Just then, both came barging in. "Boss, are you ok? we heard shots!" They said as the Cosmic Pirates looked over. Luffilia was holding the bowl of water and told them that they were just helping him. "That's so nice of you." They said, turning around to not show their tears. Shoujou and Masira explained that they were in an alliance with cricket, and the house is their headquarters. "So how did a little girl like you bet this big guy." Shoujou asked as Luffilia explained as he sent his brother flying. "Oh, that was easy." Shoujou said as Chopper told them that Cricket was waking up.

After explaining that they wanted to go to the sky island, Cricket laughed. "Does it not exist?" Luffilia asked as Cricket smiled fondly. "Only one man knew, and he was branded as a liar." Cricket said, explaining that his ancestor Noland was branded as a liar, but he knew that wasn't true. He explained Noland history and how he's not doing this for clearing Noland's name but explained that it's a battle between him and Noland, the man who ruined his life. "And the money brothers?" Luffilia asked as Cricket told them that they were fans of the story. "So, do you know how to get to Skypiea or not." Luffilia asked, tired of hearing his story.

Cricket pulled out a book, which was Noland's original log book. "There is only one entry about Skypiea, but maybe you would find interested in it." Cricket said, handing it to Nami to read out loud. As she read it, Luffilia got more and more excited as this was proof that there was, in fact, an island in the sky. "That means Sky Island is really!" Luffilia said, smiling as everyone agreed. Cricket smiled as he made the decision to help them.

It was evening as they walked through the jungle of Jaya. "I can't believe we need to find this bird." Zoro said as he and Robin walked one way. "Oh, Chopper, look at this!" Luffilia said as she and Chopper ran in another way, leaving Nami, Sanji, and Usopp. "It's a Hercules beetle their so hard to find." Luffilia said watching it as Chopper was also fascinated by it. Luffilia felt something landing on her head. "That's the bird we're looking for!" Chopper said as it just rested on Luffilia's hat. "A south bird!" Chopper said before looking at Luffilia. "He just wanted to know what you're up to?" Chopper said as Luffilia turned to him. "Oh well, we were looking for you." Luffilia said as Chopper replied, making the south bird blush. "What for?" Chopper translated as sound of screaming come in different directions could be heard. "Well, I want to go to Sky Island, but in order to do that, we need your help. Can you help us?" Luffilia asked as Chopper nodded. "He said sure he has nothing better to do." Chopper said as Luffilia smiled before scratching his feather head. "Thank you, let's go find everyone else." Luffilia said smiling as she and Chopper walked back.

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