Geat Balls of Clouds

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Luffilia ponds on Sanji's chest as he holds on to her where chest meets chest. "Sanji, you're suffocating me!" Luffilia said, trying to remove Sanji's hands from her waist. "You're alive, my sweet captain~!" Sanji said as Usopp held his heart. "Heart attack. I think I'm having a heart attack." Usopp said as Sanji turned to him. "This isn't about you!" Sanji said, still holding Luffilia. "Let go! *Bonk*" Luffilia yelled as she hit Sanji.

As they made their way through white spheres, they flot around them. "Wow, look at these. Maybe we made the right decision." Luffilia said as she went to touch one. "Don't! We don't know what will happen, so we should keep our eyes out." Sanji said as he grabbed her wrist as a  bump form on his head. "We have to keep our eyes peeled for anything might happen." Sanji said as he took the driver set. "Hey, Usopp catch!" Luffilia said, passing one to Usopp as he passed it back. "What did I say!" Sanji yelled, kicking Usopp before sending the sphere away as a snake popped out.

Just then, another came behind Luffilia, so Sanji kicked it again only for it to explode. "Ohohohoh, you will never know what inside them." A peppy voice from behind them said. Luffilia, Usopp, and Sanji turn around to see one of the priest name Satori. "Hey, everyone, better be alright!" Luffilia said as the round man just smiled as he jumped from one foot to another. "They maybe died before you even get there who nose." Satori said as Luffilia called forth Aquila, but at the same time, he placed his hand on her chest. An ear piercing sound was heard as Luffilia was sent flying. "You bastard!" Sanji said as he tried to kick, but he dodged and did the same thing. "Sanji! Luffilia!" Usopp yelled as Satori did the same to him.

Luffilia got back up to see Sanji and Usopp down.  "What is this guy?" Luffilia asked as Satori explained. "Only 10% survival rate in the forest of no return." Satori said as the three looked at him. "Know you better hurry up and get to your boat before it leaves without you." Satori said with mischief on his face. Sanji and Usopp got up to get to the boat as Luffilia stayed in place. "Luffilia, aren't you coming?" Sanji asked as Luffilia kept staring at him. "Someone has to keep this guy busy." Luffilia said as Sanji nodded. "Ok, be safe." Usopp said as they climbed.

Satori just smiled as he watched the other two go. "Well, can let them go so easily." Satori said, only to be hit over the head. "How was that possible!" He said as he dodged Luffilia. 'I easily predicted her movement but not that first one.' Satori thought as he sent her back into a sphere cloud trapping her. "Time to look for the other two." When something kept coming after him. "Oh?" Satori said, trying to blindly dodge Aquila. He dissipates the eagle before attacking Sanji and Usopp. Luffilia got out of the sphere, running to him. "Constellation Cancer." Luffilia said as a big crab hit a ball.

Sanji saw that along with the others. The ball thin ricochet into others. "Oh no!" Luffilia as one came to her with fire. "Hot hot!" Luffilia yelled, running to the Milky River. "Luffilia, you're going to fall through!" Sanji said as Luffilia grabbed a vine. "......I can't stop!.....This is fun!" Luffilia yelled as Usopp remembered his new invention. "Ahhhh, the rope is stuck to the belt." Usopp tried to get the rope unstuck as Luffilia kept swinging. "Can someone help, please?" Luffilia said as Sanji got annoyed.

Usopp had bumps and lumps all over as  Luffilia saw put down. "Let's forget this instead ever existed." Sanji said, taking a drag from his cigarette when he was attacked with a slight touch. "Sanji!" Luffilia yelled as Cancer swept at Satori, sending him away. "One down. Two more to go." Satori said, smiling down at them.

Luffilia hit the ground as Satori laughed. Luffilia looked to Usopp as blood drip from his wounds, then to Sanji, who is unconscious. "You might just give up. You can't escape." Satori said, smiling before sending the sphere dragon. Luffilia jumped out of the way, running, trying not to touch it. "You can run all you want." Satori said only to look shocked when Luffilia ran up a tree only to find the rope attached to the dragon mask. "There we go, just what I was looking for." Luffilia said, smiling as Sagitta cut the rope. "Now have a taste of your own spheres." Luffilia said, swinging the sphere dragon to Satori.

A big explosion cleared most of the sphere clouds. "That girl almost took me out with her. Oh well, she's dead. Ahoahoaho." Satori laughed, not seeing a net coming down on him. "Got you!" Luffilia said smiling as she landed on an empty sphere. "Nice work Luffilia make sure he doesn't get away." Sanji said as he lit his cigarette. "You hit a beautiful woman while I was out dumplings, man. You keep rattling on about our death and challenge. I could care less. Even though one far maiden is with me, there are two others that need my help, so we're leaving." Sanji said as she glared at him as Luffilia smiled innocently, holding the net.

Satori was out as Sanji landed a hard kick, making him fall over. "Hey, I found our boat!" Usopp said, looking up from a tree. "Usopp still alive. That's good, I guess." Sanji said as they ran to him. "Grab hold. I'll get us there!" Usopp said as Luffilia and Sanji grabbed him as they were pulled. "Does that mean our challenge is over?" Usopp asked as they landed on their boat. "I would think." Luffilia said, taking a breather. "It was weird he knew what we were going to do before we did." Sanji said, finishing his third cigarette and starting his fourth.

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