Eneru agents Luffilia's judgment

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Gan Fall looked at Luffilia as she explained what happened to her and as to why she didn't know she was eaten by a snake. "You're the captain? I wouldn't have guests that, but not seeing what swallowed you explained why you didn't know." He said as Aisa stayed quiet, looking at the three adults. "Well, I went the wrong way, but before I could turn around, I slipped and had to hold onto stomach lining." Luffilia said next as Nami to in her words. "What happened after you study yourself?" Nami asks as Luffilia pointed to leo minor. "I found out that I could cost pain to the constellations." Luffilia said as Nami took that in. "So you're the reason the snake was acting funny!" Nami said, sticking her thumbs into Luffilia mouth. "How was I supposed to know when it was an accident." Luffilia muffled around Nami's hands when everything was shaking.

Luffilia, out of instinct, grabbed hold of Aisa using her body as a shield. "Constellation Pegasus!" Luffilia called forth summoning Pegasus to come to her aid as Gan Fall got on to Pierre while Nami got on the waver. Just then, a broken piece of rock hit Luffilia in the face, making them fall. Gan Fall saw this, so he sent Pierre back to them as he fell out.

Aisa landed on Luffilia, shocked at what she saw before looking at her. "Hey, wake up! Luffilia!" Aisa said as Luffilia started to stir awake. "Mmmm, is it morning?" Luffilia said before remembering looking at Aisa. "You're alright?" Luffilia asked as Aisa nodded as she smiled, patting her head. "That's good, know, let's get out." Luffilia said as Pierre found them. "Look's like our ride is here." Luffilia said as Pierre turned into a horse freaking out Aisa.

Outside in the city of gold, Nami watched as the snake became happy before Eneru struck it. "Oh no! Nami!" Zoro said as he and Robin looked on. "Zoro? Robin? You're here." Nami said, looking over only for Zoro to have yelled at her. "You escaped!" Zoro said as Robin wondered why she was there. "I'm fine, but Luffilia was hit and still inside." Nami said, making Zoro stare with narrow eyes at the snake. "Why is she in there?" Zoro asked, knowing that Luffilia would be fine.

Pierre dodged buildings as Luffilia held on as Aisa held her. "Hey, being scared wouldn't do anything." Luffilia said as she looked down. "I'm not scared!" Aisa said, holding on Luffilia tighter. "It's just that I can only hear when people die, and a lot of people have been dying today." Aisa said close to tears only to get hit by Luffilia. "Crying won't solve anything." Luffilia said side, eyeing her. "Seriously, you're such a stupid child to have no trust in your friends to be alive." Luffilia said as Pierre went up.

At first, they found the eyes of Nola to try to make it open the mouth. Luffilia thought off going to the nostrill, but Aisa gave her a really look. Then Nola yawned, so that was their chance to get out. "Finally out!" Luffilia said, glad to be out of the snake as she stood on top of a building. "Wow, look at this place. This must be the city of gold." Luffilia said, looking around as Aida told her this is her homeland. Only for Luffilia to jump down when she saw a gaping hole.

As Luffilia got closer, she saw Robin, Zoro, and Chopper unconscious. "Zoro! Chopper! Robin!" Luffilia yelled as she got closer, looking around. "What happened here. Nami, where are you!" Luffilia yelled as Aisa saw Wyper and Pierre checked on Gan Fall. "Wyper wake up!" Aisa said, trying to wake him up. "Who did this?" Luffilia asked, looking around as she helped Aisa out of the hole. "It was Eneru. He's the only one who could have done this." Aisa said as they heard sounds from Robin. "The navigator was taken." Robin said as Luffilia held her, asking if she knew who took her. "No, but listen, if things keep going the way they are, then everything in Skypiea will be sent down to the blue sea." Robin said as Luffilia nodded, laying Robin back down before placing something on her. Luffilia got up after Robin told her that Eneru was going after the bell. "If Nami is with Eneru. Then I know where they're at." Aisa said, looking in the direction where she could feel them. "Take me to them." Luffilia said, falling Aisa eye line.

Robin took the thing that Luffilia handed her. It looked like a compass, but instead of pointing north, east, south, or west, it showed a symbol for everyone and a color. For her it was a purple casablanca lily, Chopper was a pink sakura, Sanji had a blue chief's knife, Usopp a yellow slingshot, Nami a tangerine and Zoro hand his three swords in the color green. "So the red straw hat must be Captain." Robin said as she started to move everyone out of danger.

Aisa showed Luffilia where Nami was along with Eneru. "So this the place?" Luffilia asked, looking at the cave entrance as Aisa and Pierre stood farther back. "Yes, I can sense them there." Aisa confirmed as Luffilia nodded before turning to her. "Just don't get in my way." Luffilia said as they went inside. "Don't worry, it wasn't going to." Aisa not getting any closer as they went in.

Luffilia came in seeing the ark the Eneru forced others to build. "How truly irritating." Luffilia heard a very bord voice said making her look up to see the so-called god. "That my perdition was wrong." He said borde eyes looked down at Luffilia where she stood. "So, are you Eneru?" Luffilia asked as Nami ran over the railing, happy to see her. "Luffilia!" Nami cried happily as Luffilia just stared straight at him. "What did you do to my crew!" Luffilia demanded not once seeing him as a god.

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