To the Sacrifice Altar

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The three moved on to a meadow where skulls are on pills. "Do you think this is another challenge?" Sanji asks as they make their way through. Then, Usopp heard a noise to see a bunch of Sandorinas coming towards them. "They're here!" Usopp said as they moved past them. Wyper shot a cannonball at them only for Luffilia to use Scutum.

They just stared at each other for a few seconds when Sanji told them that was the guerilla. "What's the big idea! We just want to get our friends." Luffilia said, not taking her eyes off of them. "You the blue sea people? Go back to where you belong, or I will erase you along with Eneru." Wyper said as Luffilia got angry. "That's a threat?" Luffilia said as Wyper told them if they were strong enough to get off the island.

They kept going, keeping their meeting with the guerilla in the back of their mind as they moved forward. "Hey Sanji, how did that one song go again?" Luffilia asked board out of her mind. "I think it went like. 'The sea is my mistress with her wavy locks far as I can see. Temper as the ocean is a wonder of control." Sanji started as they traveled the milky way. Usopp and Luffilia started to join in when the road looped and went up and down. "Wow, look at the sunset!" Luffilia said, smiling as Usopp as Sanji turned to it. "So far, it's been pleasant. I think it was just that one challenge." Usopp said as they continued on.

Just in front of them, the Milky River opened up to where they could see the Going Merry. "Hey, I see the Going Merry!" Usopp said as he took over the wheel. "Nami! Robin! I'm here~!" Sanji said as Luffilia smiled. "It was just one challenge!" Luffilia said, happy that everyone was well. Sort of Chopper had bandages around him, the ships mass was gone, and there were scorch marks over the ship. "As long as you're alive, that's all I worried about." Luffilia said, making Chopper happy. "I don't want to have to get a new doctor. They might not be as cool as you." Luffilia said, making Chooper cry as he hugged her.

The sky knight was resting as Chopper explained how if it wasn't for him, then the ship would be gone. "We should stay on land for tonight. We can't fix the ship until morning, anyways not just by candlelight." Sanji said as everyone agreed. "Camping under the stars will be fun." Luffilia said, smiling how close the stars would look. "Let's go camping!" Luffilia said as Chopper joined in her joy.

Usopp somehow found a blackboard and chalk. "Okay, what did we learn today?" Usopp asked as everyone talked about what they knew. "This very island is the city of gold." Robin said as she, Nami, and Zoro explained their journey. Sanji was helping Chopper make medicine for Gan Fall. "Not only that, but their god's priest can predict our moves." Luffilia said, sitting on a root before smiling. "But a city of gold sounds like an adventure to me!" Luffilia said as everyone expressed their opinion. "That's the spirit, Luffilia." Nami said as Usopp trimble. "But the worning." Usopp cried as Chopper made a remark that their god would be angry. "Sounds fun, captain." Robin said, smiling as Sanji and Zoro agreed. "All right, the gold is ours!" Luffilia said, jumping up excited.

Luffilia just stared at the fire as she finished her job. "I'm bored~" Luffilia wine as she rolled around. "Well, your only job was to get water." Sanji said as he made prep dinner when Zoro and Chopper came back. "We got walnuts, aloe, banana, and garlic." Chopper said, holding the ingredients he got. "I got a rat and a frog." Zoro said, holding them up as Sanji told them to throw the ingredients into the stew. Nami looked disgusted at the protein as Zoro threw them in.

Robin came back with a salt rock as Zoro put in a flaming rock in the stew. "What's the rock for?" Luffilia asked as Sanji put a lid on the pot. "It's called a hot rock stew. The hot rock cooks the ingredients to keep their nutrition better." Sanji said as Luffilia nodded when Nami held a piece of paper. "Finnish!" Nami said, looking at her master piece. After explaining how the upper yard was once part of Jaya and how to find the location of the city of gold.

It was getting late , and Robin said that they should smother the flames. "Usopp, did you hear that." Luffilia said as Usopp nodded. "Poor girl has been living in the dark for so long." Usopp said as Robin asked what they mean. "When you're camping, you can not put out the fire." Luffilia said as Usopp nodded. "You can't be serious." Nami said, hopping Zoro and Sanji are on her side. "Luffilia, is this big enough for the bonfire." Zoro asked as he and Sanji brought it down. "Not you too!" Nami said, feeling that this would be a bad choice.

Nami stood off to the side, trying to tell herself that this was a bad idea, but somehow could stay upset. Wolves go in them as everyone dances around the bonfire. The pure joy helped relax both Nami and Robin, where they let loose to the point where Nami laughed. Only for Luffilia to pull her to join them. The only two were not dancing where Zoro and Robin as they watch the pure joy on their captain's face. "No one dears to do this under Eneru." Gan Fall said once he woke up to see this.

Luffilia looked up from her dancing to see Gan Fall was up. "Hey, old man, you're up!" Luffilia said smiling as Chopper asked him to join in. Gan Fall sat down, looking around. "I overheard your conversation earlier. Is it true that this land was once this Jaya?" Gan Fall asked Robin as he explained that the earth of the island has a high value, and that's way the upper yard was fighting over.

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