Ring the Bell

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Luffilia used Pegasus to fly her through to where Robin is. Once she saw Robin with everyone from below the clouds, she dropped in front of her, letting Aisa and Pierre off. "Robin, take care of them." Luffilia said as Pegasus started to flap their wings. "What happened, captain?" Robin asked as Luffilia was about to fly off. "Eneru is going after the bell, right?" Luffilia said, ignoring the question as she faced away from Robin. "Is the bell up there?" Luffilia asked as Robin thought about it. "The top was missing, so it's possible that the bell is up there." That was the only thing Luffilia needed to hear heading straight up not hearing Robin's calls.

As Luffilia headed up, Robin turned to the compass, seeing Nami was no longer on the ark. "Aisa! You're here!" Nami said as Usopp held on to her. "I'm glad you're alright." Nami, as Aisa hugged her as Usopp took in the damage done to his fellow crew mates. "Where's Luffilia?" Nami asked as Robin showed her the compass. "It seems she made this so everyone could know where everyone else is." Robin explained as the arrow pointed up with the red straw hat glowing. "So I missed her. Okay, I should go after her." Nami said but was stopped by Robin. "Captain knows you're not up there." Robin said, holding up the compass. "Then why go back up there?" Usopp asked, looking up as everyone else did. "The gold bell is up there." Robin said as Nami turned to her. "She wants to ring it." Robin said as Usopp nodded, understanding the situation. "What she's risking her life to ring a bell!" Nami said, ripping the waver up to get her only for Usopp to stop her. "Don't it's for Cricket." Usopp said as Nami understood. "She better come back to us then." Nami said, looking up.

Luffilia grabbed hold of Pegasus as they flew closer to the ark as another strike of lightning hit down. 'That's a lot of lightning. How am I going to stop this?' Luffilia thought dodging the lightning when a full moon came to mind. "That's it!" Luffilia said out loud as stars from the constellation camelopardails before placing a hand on her chest just like she does for hercule. "Constellation Camelopardails absorb." Luffilia said as blue and purple spots painted her skin. On top of her head, ossicone's appeared as lightning ran between them as well as the ears and tail. Luffilia looked down at herself as she ran through a lightning head. The shock was absorbed by the ossicone and the sports all over her body, making it nearly impossible to hit her. "Just like the moon absorbs the sunlight." Luffilia said, smiling as she raced to Eneru when the thunder clouds changed shape.

Above them, a sphere formed before hitting Angel Island, leaving a giant hole as Luffilia looked down. "I have to keep moving." Luffilia said as Pegasus flapped their wings as they moved forward. "I have to ring that bell for them. We have to let them know they are looking in the wrong place." Luffilia said as another bigger one came down. "Eneru!" Luffilia yelled as he watched from the ark looking at the golden bell. She saw Luffilia as she road on a flying horse to him. "Does she really think she can stop me. I don't see that animal anywhere. How can she stop me a god." Eneru said as Luffilia went into the sphere of storms.

Luffilia flowed inside, heading straight for the center holding the golden chain whip. Above her head, she moved the chain using it as a conductor and heating the gold, magnetizing it so the lighting hits her, then back out. "Have to do this." Luffilia said, spinning the chain faster as discarding the electrical power and dissipating the cloud, letting the sun shine through. Standing on top of Pegasus chain still high in the air, Luffilia moved her hand downwards, targetting Eneru as he stood shock. "Ring the bell of Shandora!" Luffilia heard from below as voices could be heard as cheers and cries to hear the bell ring ending everything. The chain moved past Eneru, hitting its target as Luffilia pulled herself, hitting Eneru in the face and flying to the bell ringing the bell for the first time in 400 years. 'Cricket, it's in the sky. Can you hear it. The city of gold was up here this whole time.' Luffilia thought as her shadow was cast as she fell.

Down below, the brother's and Cricket looked up to see the shadow of Luffilia, where they heard the sound of a bell from the sky. "They found it." Cricket said, happy to see they had made it safe from the upstream. Where the beanstalk was before being hit by lightning stood everyone as they woke up hearing the bell as Nami race to find her. "The light of shandora..." Wiper said, happy to hear the sound of the bell after everyone explained what's happening. Nami found Luffilia on the cloud, relaxing, smiling never once left her face. "You did it." Nami said, happy to return her captain's hat. "Yep, but I need help. I can't move my body, and I'm hungry." Luffilia admitted as her stomach rumbled, making Nami laugh as Luffilia laughed along.

Conis, hearing the laughter, made her way to see Luffilia and Nami talking about food. "Well, I just so happen to have food right here." Conis said, dragging a large bag of food with her, making Luffilia forget about her fatigue and grabbing some meat on the bone. "I burn so much energy I thought my insides were eating itself." Luffilia said happily, munching as she dragged the bag to where everyone else was.

Finding out what happened while they ate. "So you were able to absorb Camelopardails and become it?" Zoro said as Luffilia nodded, patting her stomach as they ate their fill. "Man, it's nighttime already." Sanji said, looking up. "So what know?" Nami asked, looking around as Luffilia and Usopp looked at each other, smiling before turning back to the crew. "Let's celebrate!" Both screamed at the same time as the sound of drums was playing, and cheers were heard.

The Cosmic pirates party along with the Skypiean and the Shandorian all night and day. Once everyone was tucker out from partying, Luffilia went to wake up Nami. "Nami, wake up." Luffilia whisper shaking her awake. "What? I'm trying to sleep." Nami said, waving her away. "But I know where some gold is." Luffilia whispered, making Nami wide awake as they both woke up the crew loud and noticeable by everyone else. Robin, Zoro, and Usopp volunteered to stay outside to make sure one noticed what they were up to. Luffilia asked Chopper to ask Nola to go inside to collect the gold she collected when Eneru tried to take all the gold. "Told you it was here." Luffilia said smiling as she held up another armlet that matched the one she turned into an arrowhead that she gave to Usopp after he asked to see the chain whip. "Can I keep this one?" Luffilia asked as Nami hugged the crown. "Sure, you found gold and fought Eneru." Nami said as they packed up all the gold. "Of course, our great captain would find gold.~" Sanji said happily, helping two of the female crewmates to get the gold with Chopper.

They climbed out as Nola nuzzled Luffilia once they came out before heading to do something else. "Well, we got the gold know. Let's get out of here....Usopp is everything alright?" Luffilia said, turning to Usopp as he looked behind them to see Robin, but behind her was Skypieans and Shandorians carrying something. "They have a weapon of mass destruction." Usopp said as Luffilia looked back at Robin. "Robin! Come on where leaving!" Luffilia said, waving her hands around getting Robin's attention.

Robin looked at her smiling, seeing they had bags of gold. "I don't think we will be needed that." Robin said, smiling to the people of the sky. "Really, you don't want this?" The chef as they saw the Cosmic pirates ready to leave. Robin chuckled and nodded, running to them as she gave a small no. Everyone ran with bags of gold back to Going Merry. "Besides the whole god Eneru thing, this was a nice vocation." Luffilia said as the others shouted. "You would think this was a vocation!" Her crew said, smiling as they jumped on Going Merry, and Conis and Pagaya led them back to the blue sea.

Luffilia turn everyone as they load the gold away. "So what should we do with all the gold we gotten." Luffilia to Usopp as everyone thought about what they want to do. Nami said that she had to wait until they could get to look at it. Pagaya told them they were close to the exit and back to the blue sea. "Awww, it's over with." Luffilia said at the figurehead as everyone gathered around. "Sky Island was fun but scary but also fun." Chopper said, looking at the white sea. Pagaya and Conis ran as they said their goodbyes and wished them luck down on the blue sea.

Then Conis told them about the drop. "Drop?" Usopp said as they stayed in midair for a few seconds before the drop. "Ahhhhhh!" Everyone screamed before something came out of the sky. "An octopus?" Usopp said as the octopus wrapped around Going Merry before filling with air. "Why you little." Zoro said, holding his head as Luffilia looked out the side. "Wow, this is amazing!" Luffilia said, holding her hat as she looked up as the octopus floated them down. Then they heard the golden bell as they floated down, making everyone smile.

As they landed, the octopus landed on Luffilia as it lay down due to gravity. "We made it, thank you." Luffilia said, hugging the octopus. "Now water, do we have a tank?" Luffilia asked, looking around for a place to put him in. "Why?" Chopper asked, getting up, helping Luffilia. "Well, he can't go home and he can stay with us." Luffilia said, smiling as Chopper nodded in understanding. "Oh, okay." Chopper said as Usopp returned with a fishing bowl that was meant for cocktails. "This should do for right now." Usopp said as Luffilia placed him in before telling everyone to set sail.

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