To the City of Gold

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Luffilia woke up the next morning laying on a wolf and cuddling with Chopper. "Morning already." Luffilia said, snuggling Chopper. "Chopper, wake up it's morning." Luffilia said as Chopper woke up when Usopp started to freak out. "What's with Usopp?" Luffilia asked before fallowing Usopp's cries. "So it wasn't a dream!" Usopp yelled as the others came by to see Going Merry was back to its original look. "Merry's back to normal." Luffilia said excised as she saw the ram's head and not a chicken.

They made their way onto the ship as they looked around. "Who ever did this fix our ship pretty shoddy." Zoro said, looking at the broken mass. "Well, does it really matter the ship's fix, and we can leave." Nami said as Usopp looked around as she pulled out her map. "So we're going to split into two groups. Going Merry team and City of Gold team. Merry will be Usopp, Sanji, and me. While everyone else goes after the gold." Nami said proud of herself. "You want the gold but don't want to get it?" Chopper said, confused as Nami nodded. "Someone has to guide Merry to our meeting point outside the island." Nami said, explaining the plan to everyone.

Luffilia and the other's made their way to the city of gold. "Hey, if the City of Gold is really here, does that mean the gold bell is here?" Luffilia asked, making everyone turn to her. "I would think." Robin said, making Luffilia smile. "Then when we get there we should ring it so that the old man could hear." Luffilia smiling, making everyone else agree.

"Zoro, you're going the wrong way!" Luffilia said, pointing to where Robin and Chopper were heading. "The city of gold is in the right eye of the skull, so I was heading right." Zoro said, pointing west where everyone else was heading south. "We need to head south swordsman." Robin said as Chopper saw Luffilia with a stick, so he wanted one too. "Hey, this forest isn't as bad as I thought it would be." Chopper said as he stood next to Luffilia. "Ya, I thought it would be more extraordinary." Luffilia admitted being slightly disappointed.

Then, a giant snake showed up scattering everyone away from each other. "Darn, I got turned around, and with this jungle being so dense, I can't find the sun." Luffilia said, looking to see where she might be. "Hmmm, if only compasses work on the grand line." Luffilia said before snapping her fingers. "No, but maybe this would work. Constellation Circinus." Luffilia said as the compass showed up. "I can change this from showing north, east, south, and west to instead where my friends are." Luffilia said, smiling as she changed the compass to her liking.

As Luffilia walked holding her improved compass, smiling as sounds of goats could be heard. "Goats?" Luffilia thought as Leo attacked the skypiean behind her. "Oh, just a man goat, never mind." Luffilia said as Leo used him as a chew toy. "Just have to fallow Robin...maybe I should go find Zoro first." Luffilia said, looking down at her compass, when she turned around to see Shandorian Wyper. "What are you doing here?" Wyper said, looking down at the little human. "I warned you to get off this island." Wyper said as Luffilia just stood there. "I don't really listen to people anyways. I have something to do so by." Luffilia said, making her way to where Zoro should be.

Before she could move, however, Wyper stopped her. "This land belongs Shandorians." Wyper said, making Luffilia look at him. "Okay then, may we explore your island?" Luffilia said, smiling as she bowed respectfully. Wyper was taken back by this but reached for his weapon. "There is nothing else to say to you." Wyper said, and Luffilia moved her hands. Luffilia sent Aries and Taurus after Wyper as she also attacked him. Only to be swallowed by the giant snake. "Where did she go?" Wyper asked, looking around before giving up and making his way to his goal.

Luffilia hit the ground after being swallowed to pitch darkness. "Constellation Leocub." Luffilia said as light filled the space. "What is this place?" Luffilia said, heading to walls of the cave. "Strange walls." Luffilia said, touching them only to move them back. "That doesn't feel like dirt, so that means this is something else." Luffilia said as she walked towards the back end of the snake. There, she found gold the snake swallowed in order to stop Endure from taking it all. "Wow, I found gold." Luffilia said proud of herself as she picked up a golden armlet. "I don't like jewelry, but this looks nice," Luffilia said as she put it on. It was a then gold wire with a leaves coming out and in the center a ruby flower. "Maybe Nami would let me keep it she was her own gold bracelet." Luffilia said as she continued on.

Luffilia reached an end as all she saw was the stomach wall. "I went the wrong way better go the other way." Luffilia said as she lost her footing, making her bump into the stomach before the whole place shook. Luffilia then stepped on leo Minor's tail, which then sent him everywhere. "How did that hurt?" Luffilia yelled as they kept touching the walls only to stop when she landed on rubble. "Jeez, note to self. Don't touch the walk." Luffilia said before looking at leo minor as it gave her light. As she got up, she could hear talking. 'Did others get trapped in here?' Luffilia thought as she trump carefully into the voices. 'One sound very familiar.' Luffilia kept making her to them.

She saw orange hair before anything else. "Nami?" Luffilia said, happy to see another person. "You're in here, too." Luffilia said, coming closer to see Gan Fall and a little girl. "You were in the snake this whole time!?" Nami yelled, looking at Luffilia in disbelief. "So I was in a snake. That would explain everything." Luffilia said relief as she found out where she was. "You didn't know?" Nami asked as Luffilia told her what happened after they got separated. "But know I won't ever lose track of anyone again." Luffilia said smiling as she showed Nami the compass.

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