3 - Methods

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These methods will be in good use to help you shift. These also tell you how to shift, as long as you're comfortable with the one you are using there should be no problem. (steps copy and pasted by verqiu on Amino)

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The Raven Method:

The Raven method is definitely one of the most popular shifting methods out there. The Raven method was the first method I ever tried and it worked pretty well for me! Here's how you use it:

Step 0: This step is not necessary, but it does help quite a lot.

Listen to some subliminal and meditate, this is so that your mind is clear. Also, try to be as calm and collected as you can. And try to make sure you're tired/half asleep before you try this method so that it's easier for you to fall asleep.

Step 1: Lay on your back in a starfish position (yes, you must lay on your back and in a starfish position, otherwise this method will not work) and do not move.

Step 2: Count from 1-100 and in between every 1-5 numbers say one affirmation like "I have shifted" or "I am in my DR/WR"

Step 2.5: This step is also not necessary, but it does help.

Try to visualize your DR/WR after every number you say in your mind.

Step 3: After you're done counting you can either start saying affirmations to yourself or you can count more and in between every 5-10 numbers say affirmations to yourself while visualizing your DR/WR.

After falling asleep you should wake up in your DR/WR!

The Estelle Method:

Step 1: Get some headphones and lay down in a comfortable position

Step 2: Start playing songs that you can visualize yourself and a person from your DR/WR dancing to, a slow or classical song would be the best to use.

Step 3: Start visualizing yourself dancing with a said person from your DR/WR. Try to focus on how you feel, what you smell, what you see if you can hear your and that person's footsteps and overall try to just visualize everything being real.

Step 4: After the song ends, imagine that person from your DR/WR leading you to a door, it can be any door you imagine. Imagine them or yourself opening that door. Visualize seeing a white, long hallway and pass through it with that person you were dancing with. While walking through imagine them asking you things about your DR/WR, what you look like, who are your friends and family, where you will wake up, and so on. Take your time walking through that hallway.

Step 5: After you're done walking in that hallway you should end up near a door, any door that you imagine. Imagine the person you were dancing with say something along the lines of "Are you ready to shift?" and if you're ready, answer yes. Imagine them opening up that door and then you should see a bright white light, and afterwards you should wake up in your DR/WR!

The Sunni Method:

Step 1: Lay down or sit down in a comfortable position and try your hardest not to move.

Step 2: Visualize your DR/WR.

Step 3: Ask yourself questions about your DR/WR, for example:

What do I see? What do I smell? What do I hear? What do I feel? What do I taste?...

and etc.

Step 4: You can either go to sleep while repeating affirmations to yourself and visualizing your DR/WR or you can keep visualizing and asking yourself questions about your DR/WR and then whenever you're 100% sure that you're there you can open your eyes and you should be there!

The Julia Method:

Step 0: This step is not necessary, but it does help.

Put on your headphones and listen to some theta waves, subliminals, anything that can help you calm down and etc.

Step 1: Say affirmations like "I am" to yourself in your mind, for example:

"I am a master shifter" ; "I am capable of shifting" ; "I am in my DR/WR".

Step 2: Visualize your DR/WR. What do you see? What do you smell? What do you hear?, etc.

Step 3: Start counting from 1-100 (just like in The Raven method) and say an affirmation that begins with "I am" every 1-5 numbers. Try to visualize your DR/WR as much as possible while counting.

Step 4: After you're done counting say identity affirmations that begin with "I am", for example:

"I am ____ tall" ; "I am ___ years old" ; "I am a ___" ; etc. If you want to, you can repeat the affirmation you say 3-5 times and then move on to another affirmation and repeat the process. After you're done saying the affirmations and after you're 100% sure you're in your DR/WR you can open your eyes and you should be there!

The Pillow Method:

Please note: This method is very simple, all you have to do is write down your script on a piece of paper, put it under your pillow and go to sleep, but I will include some extra steps that helped me use the pillow method, that means that those steps other than the ones I listed in this notice are not necessary.

Step 0: This step is not necessary, but it does help

Put on some subliminals or some calming music to help you fall asleep faster.

Step 1: Write down your script on a piece of paper, try to be as detailed as possible (and make sure you write in things like your Lifa app, your safe word/action and so on).

Step 2: Put your script under your pillow and lay in one comfortable position and don't move.

Step 3: Visualize your DR/WR and repeat affirmations to yourself.

Step 4: Try your hardest to fall asleep while thinking about your DR/WR, it's okay if your thoughts wander just try to stay focused and calm.

After you fall asleep you should wake up in your DR/WR!

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Note: There are so many methods out there that aren't even on this list! Try researching them for yourselves and see what you find! :)

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