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Layla was your typical teen girl

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Layla was your typical teen girl. Moody, kind, sometimes a bitch and most of all Layla spoke her mind. It didn't matter if she knew you or not, she'd still tell you her opinion on something. She was also pretty closed off, and she didn't like letting new people in for the fear that they would leave her just like everyone else in her life.

She was around 5'6. She had long brown hair but one time when she was 14 she cut her and she's recently been deciding on going blond or not.

When Layla grows up she decided she wants to be a lawyer. Even though she's grown up with doctors all around her that just wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to be able to speak her mind, she was perfect for a lawyer. She was strong willed and she never gave up. And it was also the fact lawyers made pretty good money.

Layla grew up in foster care for the most part. She was put in foster care when she was 6 and you would expect for a little girl that age to maybe remember her family or anything before she was put in the system but Layla just couldn't seem to. No matter how hard she thought about it nothing would ever come to her mind. Her therapist told her that it could be her brain protecting itself by blocking out any trauma.

She spent three years in the system going from house to house until she was adopted by Derek Shepherd at age 9.
When she was 11 Addison (derek's wife) officially became her step mom. Layla at first loved Addison, she was the perfect addition to their little family. Well up until her dad, walked in on Addison and Mark (her godfather) sleeping together.

Once Derek found out about the two sleeping together he up and packed him and Layla and took off for Seattle. Layla was disappointed at the fact he didn't chose some place cooler like LA where Disneyland was located.

Derek started up at a new hospital which obviously meant Layla had to get comfortable in the new area and the new hospital and getting comfortable meant making new friends. Within a week Layla had found a small little cafe just a block from the hospital. They had good food and a nice staff but what made her go as frequently as she did was the cute boy (that looked only maybe a year older than her) who was in there everyday.

As it turns out the boy was 13 just a year older, like she had suspected. And his grandma was Joy, the owner of the cafe and she worked almost everyday so Matt was always stuck there except for the odd day his mom had off. As weeks passed by Layla and Matt became closer and soon enough they were best friends.

A year after the two had originally met, another girl seemed to come to the cafe daily. Layla then realized as she started to look around the hospital that the girl seemed to be there also. Turns out Junipers mother was dying of cancer in the hospital.

Layla and her clicked almost immediately. Juniper becoming another one of Laylas best friends. Layla was sure to quickly introduce her two best friends to each other and soon enough they became a trio and it was just them against the world from there on out.

Layla also got closer to the group of interns in the hospital. She was fine with all of them until Denny came into the hospital and Izzie essentially killed him. From then on she had this love hate relationship going on with Izzie although most of the time it was the hate part.

A month after Laylas sixteenth birthday, she had no clue how much her life was gonna change.

Emily Prentiss had a six year old daughter when she worked for interpol

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Emily Prentiss had a six year old daughter when she worked for interpol. And interpol decided to have Emily go undercover and catch an international criminal, like she had done with Doyle. Except this time after Emily got close to him the final straw to get his whole trust was to introduce him to her kids. Against Emily and her husbands wishes their kids were pulled into the undercover work. In the end they caught the guy but months later when word got out that even though Jack Mixon was away he still had people working for him on the outside.

Emily and her husband decided the best decision they could make at the time was to put their kids in foster care. Change everything but their first names and they had a friend at interpol hide both of their files on who they were before the system and they also had him create false backgrounds for both of them.

It was the toughest decision Emily ever made but she knew it had to be done for her children's safety. Three months ago she was alerted Mixon had escaped from the prison he was in and the fact that he hadn't done anything or try to contact Emily made her on edge. All she could hope for was that her children were safe and that he would never find them and as far as she was knew her children were safe. For the time being.

bailey speaks
i decided to rewrite this after I read it and realized my writing was terrible...
hope you guys enjoy this version! also the rest of the chapters will be out by tonight so it won't be long for the rest of story to fall into place!!

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