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Layla truly didn't know what to feel

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Layla truly didn't know what to feel. How could one of her favorite interns who she's known for years now just be dead? How could he just die like that? How could he risk his life and die for a random women he didn't even know?

It was stupid. It was dumb.

In the long run Layla knew he did good saving a women's life but the fact that it cost him his life to do so broke her heart.

Earlier on in the day Layla had entered the hospital to find out a man had been dragged by a bus to save a women he didn't even know. She didn't pay no mind to it really. I mean of course it was heroic and nice of the guy to do that but he was for sure gonna die. There was no way someone could survive something so gruesome. Layla felt bad for the man and his family. She hoped they could find his family or even identify the man at least.

Layla sat on a hallway bed in a near empty hallway eating chips she just got from the vending machine. Alex had showed her this spot awhile ago and it seemed only the two of them knew of it. Obviously people would walk down the hallway all the time but the hallway beds were off to the side around a corner no one ever went to. The two couldn't tell you why but they didn't care. It became their special place.

Meanwhile as Layla ate she had no idea what was going. She had no idea the man who she called a hero and dumb was George. She had no idea that he died on the table. No idea Callie had to identify him alone. And no idea that everyone was frantically looking for her. "Where could she be?" Meredith asked the group as they met back up after not finding her. Christina shrugged her shoulders. Alex sighed before speaking. "I think I know where she is. I'll go get her." And before anyone else could say anything Alex took off for the stairs.

Layla looked up from her phone upon hearing Alex's footsteps walking towards her. She smiled as she held up the bag of chips she bought him. "Look what I got youuu." Alex gave her a small smile. "Layla we gotta talk." Her smile dropped instantly. She knew something was wrong, for starters Alex never called her Layla. Plus she could tell by the tone of his voice and the look on his face that something was wrong. "What is it? What's wrong?" She questioned getting ready to stand up before Alex went and put a hand on her shoulder to push her back down as he sat next to her. "Sit down Lails." And that moment she knew whatever came out of his mouth next was gonna be heartbreaking.

Alex sighed before speaking again. "You know the John Doe who saved a women but he ended up getting dragged by a bus doing so?" Layla furrowed her eyebrows confused but of course she knew of him everyone in the hospital was talking about how much of a hero he was so she nodded her head. "Well...he's not a John Doe anymore. We were able to identify him." Alex paused for a second. "And?" Layla asked scared for what was coming next. "It's George. John Doe is George." Laylas heart dropped. No. No. No. George couldn't be dead. He couldn't there was just no way, right? "This is just some sick prank. Tell me your joking Alex. Tell me." Layla raised her voice as she stood up starting to hyperventilate. Alex shook his head telling her he wasn't joking. "It's not a prank Lails. Come here, you need to breathe."

20 minutes later and Layla was standing outside of George's hospital room. The chief had sent everyone else back to work but she could still feel eyes on her from all over. George wasn't in his room anymore. He was an organ donor so he was busy saving even more people. George was a hero. He always was and always would be.

Even though Layla wasn't as close to him as she is to Alex or Meredith, she still partly grew up with up. I mean she was with him all his intern year. He became a good friend to her. And I mean of course he definitely did somethings she questioned and didn't like at all. But that doesn't mean she didn't love him.

For the duration of the day while Layla was stuck at the hospital, she sat in the hallway George died in. Not talking, not eating and not moving. Layla had never dealt with such a big lose before. The only person able to talk to get through to her was Alex. But for a while it was like everyone's voices blended together and Layla couldn't even make out who was talking to her or what they were saying.

"Come on Layla, let's go home." Derek said as he and Meredith stood in front of her, his hand out to help her up. Layla didn't even bat an eye at them. It was like she didn't even know they were there. "Layla? Sweetie?" Again no answer. Meredith sighed. "Let me go get Alex, see if he can get through to her." Derek just nodded worried for his daughter.

As soon as Alex heard Meredith say they needed help with Layla he immediately agreed to help. She was his little no matter what. Upon walking up to her sitting on the ground still not having moved an inch, Alex went and sat down next to her. And just by the string scent of his cologne Layla knew exactly who was next her and a sense of comfort came over. She immediately dropped her head onto his shoulder.

Alex leaned down to whisper to her. "Cmon Lails, we gotta get you home. I'll go with you." Layla didn't say anything she just nodded and that gave Alex the go ahead to pick her up.

Arriving home Layla told Alex it was okay and he didn't need to come up with her to the room but he didn't care one bit. He knew Layla needed him. This mask she was putting on wasn't working. "Let's go. I'm tucking you in before I leave so the quicker you want me to leave the quicker you better get ready for bed." Layla smiled slightly and shook her head at Alex's antics.

10 minutes later Layla had changed, washed her face, brushed her teeth and gotten into bed. Turns out Alex was serious about tucking her in. He pulled the blankets over her and made sure she had the bunny stuffed animal she never slept without. "Goodnight Lails. Love you." Alex leaned down and kissed her forehead before walking towards the door. "Love you too Al." Alex smiled to himself while walking out. He would've stayed with her but he had to get back to Izzie at the hospital.

Layla did not fall asleep immediately at all. She cried and she cried. Not just for George dying but every god damn thing that's gone wrong in her life. And to top it all off the stupid tree by her window wouldn't stop hitting it and making these noises. Which just annoyed her even more cause she couldn't do anything, so there were tears for that too because he wanted quiet and she hadn't been getting that for the past week.

And with a little more thinking Layla realized there was no tree close enough to be hitting her window.

bailey talks-
i have no clue what to think but i do love alex and laylas relationship🤭🤭
also my brother bought an elf bar!! he's 12 btw😍
i took it though and i'm giving it to my cousin like what does bro think he's doing😭😭
i also lied on when all the new chapters would be published but i've had such bad writers block 🔥

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