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Upon the realization there was no tree by her window Layla froze completely

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Upon the realization there was no tree by her window Layla froze completely. What in the fuck could be out there? Her anxiety was through the roof and she was just about sure she was about to have a panic attack.

Layla quickly got up and made a run for the door but before she made it far a hand wrapped around her waist pulling her back and a hand on her mouth. The unknown person had put chloroform on a cloth and covered Laylas mouth with it.

She fought like hell to not get kidnapped, she screamed or well tried as best she could, she tried to kick him but the only thing she actually succeeded on was scratching him. Now his DNA was under her nails so if he killed her, they could identify him. She knew a few things. I mean she's watched crime documentaries and she read a good girls guide to murder.

The drug didn't take too long to kick in and Layla passed out. The person inside the room with her sighed in relief. "Finally." They muttered as they walked towards the window. Waiting there was a big muscular guy and I mean obviously you could tell he was a man, didn't matter you couldn't see his face. The inside man passed him Layla and she was put over his shoulder as he used one hand to climb down and one to hold onto her feet. The second they reached the ground they took off to the black SUV they were driving. Layla was set in the back seat before the two took off.

A couple hours later Derek thought it would be good to go check on her but when he knocked on her door, there was nothing. Not a singular noise, no go away and no sniffles. So he assumed she was sleeping. (wrong choice) and went back to his bed, but the next morning when she didn't come down for breakfast that's when they really started to question things. Meredith furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when she saw just Derek walking down the stairs for breakfast. "Where's Layla?" She asked him. Derek looked confused. "I thought she came down already?" He looked around the kitchen. She shook her head. "No, I haven't seen her all morning." Before anything else was said Meredith had already left to check on her in her room.

Arriving at her door Meredith knocked but received nothing in return. "Layla? Honey? Are you in there?" And once again no response. Meredith was beginning to feel uneasy. Something was wrong. She tried to open the door to Laylas room but it wouldn't open. So Meredith did the only thing she could think of, she used a bobby pin from her hair that she worked hard on this morning to pick the lock.

And upon entering her room, Meredith wanted to throw up. She wasn't there. She was no where. Her bed was a mess, her covers thrown about and some of her books had fallen. But the thing that unnerved her the most, was the wide open window. "DEREK!" Meredith screamed. The fact that she could be kidnapped replayed in Meredith's mind, but maybe just maybe she snuck out to someone's house. So they made some calls.

Alex hadn't seen her. Juni, her best friend, hadn't seen her and Juni asked Matt, the girls other friend and he also hadn't seen or heard anything from her. Layla was nowhere at all. She had disappeared.

The second they hung up with the last person, Derek immediately called 911, his daughter was missing. Kidnapped most likely. Immediately after Alex got that call he dropped everything and rushed over to the house. If anything happens to Layla he doesn't know what he'd do with himself. She was his everything, his whole family, his person.

Quantico, Virginia


All the way in Virginia, the team had gotten a new case. Aaron Hotchner walked past his team on the way to the briefing room telling him, "New case, let's go." And they all immediately followed, walking in to find Penelope Garcia like usual.

The second they all sat down Garcia clicked a button and two pictures, one of a teenage girl and the other of a teenage boy popped up on the screen. Both having similar features.

"Both of these teens were reported missing exactly three hours ago, how long they'd been missing before that? We don't know

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"Both of these teens were reported missing exactly three hours ago, how long they'd been missing before that? We don't know." Garcia started. "The thing is the girl on the left is from Seattle and the boy is from San Francisco. Two completely different states. But exact same MO, like down to the second it's all the same." "MO, window left wide open, latter left by the window, black SUV seen near the neighborhood and leaving the night before." Reid read from the file. "What's so special about these two kids?" Morgan asked, there had to be something else. "The kids were put into foster care the exact same time, like same second and everything, on the same day, same year." Garcia stated. "So what are we getting at here?"

"I'm saying maybe that has something to do with it, I mean it can't be a coincidence." Garcia shrugged. JJ furrowed her eyebrows looking at the pictures a little closer. "Could they be siblings?" She asked. Garcia put up her finger to single one moment as she checked. She hummed before speaking, "Maybe, but they were out in with two separate last names and different people. I'll do some more digging though, see what I can find."
"Thank you Garcia. Wheels up in 30."

On the plane they did some more debriefing and planned who would go where. "JJ and Reid will go talk to Laylas family, see if you can find anything out. Morgan and Rossi go to the house, check out the scene and see what you find. Emily and I will go check in with local police." Hotch said as everyone nodded. "What about the boys family?" JJ asked. "His foster family didn't care, said they were glad he was gone and weren't gonna cooperate with us. Garcias looking into them too."

Emily sat silently a seat away from everyone. Why did she feel this way? What even was this feeling? What was it about those kids that seemed familiar to her? Damn it what was it?

bailey talks-
sorry it took so long, i can't promise when the next one will be, i'm so stressed with school.
also i have a bf now even if sometimes he's a cunt and makes me wanna scream my head off😇😇
i also did not proof read or anything so lemme know what you think!

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