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???"Okay so would you rather go to the future or go back to the past and relive it?" "Past, obviously

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"Okay so would you rather go to the future or go back to the past and relive it?"
"Past, obviously."
"Bro why'd you pick past? You don't wanna see what your life's gonna be like in the future?"
"I mean I do but i'd rather go back to the past and spend more time with my s-" Before the boy could finish explaining his answer to Layla a new man barged in the room. "Oh my god, would you two shut the fuck up?" The two teens looked at this man weird. "Why?" "Because it's fucking annoying and all I've heard for the past two hours are your guys annoying ass voices."

They were both deeply offended hearing their voices get called annoying but neither spoke on that fact as the man started to walk towards them, scaring them even more. Just a few seconds later one of the men from earlier, Layla couldn't remember which one he was, walked in. Both men headed straight for the boy who Layla still didn't know the name of. "Woah woah woah." He said as they both got nearer to him. "Hey! Where are you taking him?" Layla asked, even if she didn't know the boy well he was fun to talk to and she really didn't wanna be alone. The bigger man of the two turned to look at Layla. "Don't worry pretty lady, you'll be coming too." She was disgusted at the fact this man looked around 30 and she was just 16 years old.

Each man held one of the teens by their arms behind their back and walked them into another room down a dimly lit hallway. This is exactly like the shit you see in TV. The two were led into a room with two chairs facing what seemed to be a tripod for a camera but no camera was near. Along with that there was a tray of sharp items, which could definitely be torture devices right in between them. The two men had tied the two onto the chairs with rope, tying their hands together behind the chair to the point they couldn't even really move.  After making sure everything was perfect the two men started to leave and walk towards the door.
"Hey! Where are you guys going?"
The two men laughed. "Oh you guys will be fine, the boss will be here shortly."

The teens looked at each other in fear and worry, no one ever wants to meet the boss. Especially when it seems like he's gonna kill you.

local police station

The team had nothing. Not a single lead or anything. They were lost. It had already been 12 hours since Layla was missing and 14 for Jayden. They had no clue where to start as they barely had any background information. Or well that was until Penelope called them.
"My fine furry friends do I have some great news for you!"
"What's up Garcia? What do you got for us?"
"So I did some digging and got access to some of the boys files. His first foster home was with a man named Denny Duquette, but when he was 9 he had to be removed from his care as Dennys health was getting bad and after that the boy ended up with the current foster family he has now."
"When was he put into the system?"

"Mmm lemme see, when he was 7. And woah, freaky coincidence here. Denny Duquette died at Seattle Grace hospital just two years ago."
"The hospital that Laylas dad works at?" Derek asked double checking he heard that correctly.
"Yes! How wack is that?" Before anyone could answer Garcia started talking again with something she found. "Woah. This is... Layla was fostered by the same man at the same exact time Jayden was."
"They were both fostered by Denny? At the same time?" JJ asked.
"Yep! Both removed same exact time for the same reason too. Also before I go I cannot seem to find anything on Layla before she entered the system. But don't worry I'm gonna use my mighty skills and crack this baby to find out what i'm missing."

"Alright so we've only got from 6 up for her but what about the boy Jayden, find anything on him?" Hotch asked before Garcia could hang up.
"Oh yes! His full name is Jayden Lewis Marshall but i'm almost 100% sure that isn't his real last name, so once I get his real last name, I'll be able to find his birth parents. Hopefully. I'm close though, I can feel it."
"Thank you baby girl, call us back immediately with anything else you find."
"You know I will!"

"Okay so we've got Jayden and Layla being fostered by the same person at the same exact time, being close to finding who Jayden really is and the fact that there's nothing to find on Layla until she was in the system."
"These are all freaky little connections." Spencer added in.  "They definitely are." JJ agreed.
"Did we ever find out about the boys past?" Nathan asked. Hotch shook his head. "No, just that hopefully she'll be able to find his parents."
"I truly honestly think the parents have something to do with this."
"Or their childhood. The fact they're both hidden is just weird."
The whole team agreed with what was being said. "I think someone needs to go talk to the doctors there at the hospital at Denny Duquette, that seems to be our biggest connection to the two teens right now." Hotch then assigned two of them to go. "'Morgan, JJ you two go and find out what you can. We're 12 hours away from the 24 mark."

Emily abruptly stood up from her chair and walked off quickly to the bathroom with no explanation. Something was freaking her out. I mean the fact that boys name was so familiar. What was it about it? Think Emily think. And then it hit her.
Fucking Lucas Miller.

Seattle Grace hospital

Everyone in the hospital was on edge. Nothing to this extreme extent had happened there, especially with a kid everyone there knew and loved. But then again who would ever expect for someone they love and care for to get kidnapped?

When entering the hospital Morgan and JJ firstly saw Alex and Meredith talking. The two agents walked up to them. "Hi, we're here with the BAU about Layla." Meredith smiled at the two. "Oh yes! How can we help you?" "We actually have a few questions about one of your patients from two years ago. Denny Duquette?" Meredith and Alex shared a look. What were they doing asking about him? Alex nodded his head. "Yea we both remember him, what's up?" Morgan pulled Alex into a private room while JJ talked to Meredith. The two doctors telling them everything they remember about Denny and what happened. Once the two agents heard what they needed to they headed back to the station.

Alex immediately walked off after that, going god knows where in the hospital. But it was easy to say that him and Derek were taking this the hardest.

Meredith had run into Derek just as he was walking into an on call room. He looked so stressed and tried. He hadn't slept a minute since his little girl went missing. Derek sat on the bed rubbing his hands over his face as Meredith took a seat next to him and wrapped her arm around him. "God how could this happen?" Derek asked sounding like he was about to cry.

"It's not your fault. I hope you know that. No one knew this was gonna happen." Derek shook his head upon hearing this. "No, I should've checked on her last night and not let her isolate like I did." Meredith stopped him from talking like this. "No. Stop it Derek. This isn't your fault at all. You were being a parent. The BAU will find her and get her back to us."

"Yea but the question is dead or alive?"

bailey talks-
hopefully for good this time, I just caught up in school so🤗🤗
hope you guys like this chapter and all my other books will be getting an update soon!!
also please don't be a silent reader🙏🙏
officially blocked my ex on everything. we have no form of contact. #healing
but then the guy i've liked since May, like i've always thought he was cute but i've told literally no one that cause i thought i'd never have the chance with him
or well idk likes but he said he wants to he friends with benefits
i said yes 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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