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Within an hour almost everyone at Seattle Grace knew Layla was missing

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Within an hour almost everyone at Seattle Grace knew Layla was missing. I mean it wasn't hard to notice, Layla was such a positive energy in the hospital and it felt empty without her there and you could tell by the way her family was acting. And just incase you didn't know from that, you'd know from how fast news spreads around a hospital.

The team landed in Seattle twenty minutes ago and the second they hit the ground, they took off to where they were assigned. JJ and Reid ending up at the hospital to talk to Laylas family.

Upon entering the hospital, some heads turned to look at them. The lady at the front desk looked up and smiled at them. "Hi, how can I help you today?" "Hi, I'm agent Jareau and this is Dr. Reid we're with the BAU. We need to speak to the family of Layla Shepard." JJ told the lady with a small smile on her face. "Oh! Yes, yea let me page them all. I'll have them meet you on the third floor waiting room." "Thank you" Reid said as they walked away towards the elevator.

The two hadn't been sitting for more than 5 minutes before a woman came up to them. "Hi, are you the federal agents? I'm Meredith, Laylas step mom." Meredith put her hand out to shake theirs. Spencer hesitated before shaking her hand. "Yes, we are. Nice to meet you." JJ said as she stood up as well. "Perfect, um everyone else in her family is waiting for you over here in this little conference room we have. So uh just follow me." Meredith was a mess. Today was not her day and having the FBI investigate your step daughters disappearance? It couldn't be good.

When Meredith came back with the two agents all conversation in the room came to a halt. "Hello, I'm agent Jareau and this is dr. Reid. We're just here to ask a few questions." Before anyone else could say anything Spencer spoke up. "I'm sorry but are you all her family?" He looked around the room and there was a lot of people. Everyone shook their heads yes.
"Oh okay then." Reid looked over at JJ, giving her a look telling her to start.

"I'll start off by saying everyone please answer one at a time and when you answer before speaking please state your relation to Layla so we know." Everyone nodded their heads understanding what she was saying.
"Has Layla ever run away before?" JJ asked the group. "No. Never." Derek started. "I'm sorry, could you just tell me who you are really quickly." "Oh yea sorry, I'm Derek, her father. But no she's never tried to run away or even acted like she was going to." Reid asked the next question.

"Is there anything big going on in her life right now?" "Oh uh one of her close friends just died yesterday." Derek answered for everyone again. "How did she take that?" Alex decided to speak this time. "I'm Alex, she's like my little sister. But uh she just kinda spaced out for the rest of the day, sat by his hospital room and didn't move." "Is that normal behavior for her?" "I mean yea, she doesn't like to cry in front of people at all. She usually just bottles everything up." Alex said.

JJ and Reid nodded listening to him. "How come she doesn't like showing emotions? Is there any reasoning behind that?" Reid asked. "Oh uh yea, in foster care before she got placed with Derek, some people before that taught her love is weakness and so is showing emotions so she's never really gotten rid of that habit." "Does she know her biological family? Or is there anyone at all who could have taken her?"

"No. She doesn't know or really remember her bio family. And no one could have taken her that I know of." JJ was surprised it was only Alex and Derek speaking out of the room full of people. "She didn't have anybody who didn't like her. She was sweet to everyone and very well liked at school. Everyone loved her. I don't know why someone would do this to her." The girl spoke up from the corner. She was stood next to a big tall guy with grayish hair.

Before either of the agents could ask her name, the man next to her spoke up. "That's Lexie, one of her best friends and I'm Mark, her godfather. Now I'm just wondering why the FBI is involved in her missing persons case? Not that we don't want your help or anything." "Oh, just another boy went missing with the same type of MO for whoever took Layla, and there's a chance they could be connected so we're just looking into it." JJ spoke smiling at everyone there. "That's all we needed to ask for now. Thank you very much, and we'll be in contact for sure." Reid spoke as him and JJ stood up to leave.

with Rossi and Derek

At the crime scene, which was just Laylas room everything seemed to be neat. Except for her bed and the spot near her window which was wide open. "Alright Derek let's play out this scene real quick. You be Layla and I'll be the unsub. I wanna see something." Derek nodded and played along. "Okay so you're laying in bed but obviously something makes you get up quickly and in a rush." "Something probably spooked her bad." Rossi continued on.

"Most likely the person at the window. She tried to escape and get out of her room for help but the person already in the room and they somehow get her quiet..." Rossi paused for a moment as he looked down on the carpet. "Right about here. She stopped here." Derek looked at him confused on how he could know that. "How do you know?" "A charm from her bracelet fell off right here." Rossi picked it up, it was a rose.

"Now he's got her quiet and obviously not moving or willing to go with him and he's gotta get her down this latter but how does he do it by himself?" Rossi wondered as he looked out her window. "He didn't." Derek answered. "He couldn't have, no way does he get her and him down the latter together without any help." Rossi looked back and made eye contact with him. "Well now we know there's two unsubs. Let's go back and meet up with everyone." Derek nodded his head and followed behind Rossi.

Nothing went on with Emily and Hotch. They simply arrived at the station and set up like usual. Except Emily's nausea never went away and her gut feeling was just off. As soon as everyone met back up they shared everything they had. The idea of two unsubs, everything the family said and what Garcia had to say on the phone. Which was just saying that the boy had been with his foster family since he was nine but there's nothing about where he was before. She's figure it out though, and she'd also figure out who both the kids bio families were. There had to be some connection.


Layla had awoken tied to a chair. She couldn't move her hands or her feet. She looked around the room and made eye contact with a boy. "Hi." He breathed out. "I've been waiting for you to wake up." "Where are we?" Layla asked. He looked at her with a straight face. "Disneyland. Where the fuck do you think we are, I don't know." He sighed as he spoke to her. And before either of them could say anything two men walked inside the room.

"Look Jimmy boy, they're both awake." "Jared, what the fuck. You just told them my name." He looked over at the other guy throwing his arms in the air. "Well you just told them mine!" "I- you know what, I don't care. Just shut up and make sure they're ready for boss man." The bigger man, whose name was Jared nodded and came over to the tray by Laylas side. Which she had failed to notice, full of sharp objects.

A few minutes later both men had left the room and Layla looked over at the boy next to her. He looked so damn familiar. She had to have seen him somewhere. But where the fuck could she know him from. She couldn't put her finger on it and that was gonna bug her for awhile.
"Do you wanna play a game?" He asked.

bailey talks-
idk about this chapter but wtv.

Life update:
My boyfriend broke up with me and shattered my heart! Like two weeks ago.
Then 4 days later after he broke up with me I was out with another guy and now i'm kinda talking to him but my ex texts me randomly and last night he did and i was super dry. Like he just replies to my notes on instagram or my story and fucking today we talked. And he showed me his new girl and then told me my new man looked like him and a rat combined. They literally look nothing alike.
And then he fucking tells me "SHES NOT YOU." WTF.
i've been shaking. I don't know what life is anymore.
this was also not proof read.
lemme know what y'all think 😜‼️

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