Chapter 25: I Spy

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"I'm sorry, but so far there haven't been any other leads. We are trying though," Sherriff Ramirez's gruff voice spoke through the speaker of my phone.

Of course.

"Alright, thanks for the update," I responded wearily, just ready to hang up the phone already.

Useless. They're all fucking useless.

There was a pause from the other line. "Has anything suspicious happened to you lately?"

"No," I responded immediately.

Again, there was another pause, and I wondered whether he was going to keep pushing or let it drop. Finally, I heard him sigh and reply, "Okay, I guess I'll let you go then."


"Like I said before, I'll be sure to tell you if we find anything else, and I'll also be calling you again in a few days to check up on you."

Now that really irritated me. "You know, I've practically been living on my own for as long as I can remember, so all of this stupid coddling is unnecessary," I stated coolly, trying to keep whatever remained of my calm demeanor intact. "I can take care of myself just fine."

I heard a humorless laugh from the other line before Sheriff Ramirez responded, "I would gladly stop with the 'coddling', however your house just got burned down by someone who will probably want to do even worse to you in the future if he or she isn't stopped." Raising his voice a little, he continued, "Along with that, you're still a minor and you don't even have a guardian watching over you. You may be a vampire, but regardless you are still a citizen here, which means we have to do whatever necessary to protect you. In order for us to do that though, it has to go both ways, meaning you still have to abide by our laws."

A muscle ticked in my jaw but I said nothing in response. There was a sigh from the other line.

"I really do believe you can handle yourself," he began again, trying to assuage me, "but considering you're still a minor, you're lucky enough we haven't put you under foster care. This is the best I can do to keep it that way but to also maintain your safety, at least until you turn eighteen. Fortunately for you, you only have a month to go. Once that time comes around, don't you worry—I'll get off your back."

My mouth set into a grim line. I still didn't like the way it all felt too much like babying. I'd been taking care of myself for nearly half of my life, I sure as hell didn't need a babysitter now. However, I knew in the back of my mind that one month really wasn't much of a wait.

Finally, I sighed and reluctantly responded, "Glad to know it."

"Good, glad we're on the same page again," he replied dryly, "Like I said before, I'll be calling you again in a few days."

This time, I had no snide remarks to say, and seemingly satisfied, Sherriff Ramirez finally hung up the phone. Throwing it on the other side of the bed, I laid back and rubbed my eyes, heaving out a long, weary sigh. Jesus, this was all so stupid. And so stressful.

I needed to take care of this once and for all—but where to start?

I'd been keeping an eye on Dane and Celine at school, however there seemed to be nothing exceptionally out of the ordinary going on with them. They were the same old pricks they've always been, except maybe even more so now that they were at the top of the school instead of me. Still, I knew there was no way they could be absolutely innocent in all this.

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