Chapter 4

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   After four and a half hours of driving we finally make it. When I drive up to the house I back the truck up next to the house so we won't have to walk far to unload everything. I hope out of the truck, and walk to the front door of the house. I unlock the front door and walk in. I go through the house and open up all the windows and the back door. I start going through the house cleaning everything. I go up stairs and play some music on my phone. The first song that comes on is 'As Above, So Below by, In This Moment', jaming out to the song I start cleaning. While I was cleaning I hear footsteps going through the house.. I look down the stairs and see Jason standing at the stairs with his machete drawn looking up at me. When he sees me he tilts his head and lowers his machete.

   "Hey. What's up?" I ask. He shrughs his sholders and puts his machete up. He points at me like asking me what I'm doing.

   "I'm cleaning before everyone gets here. I have people coming here to help make the house livable, and make it a home. There's going to be a lot of people here working on everything. You can help if you want." I said. I noticed that in the past he never came up to anyone else, I thought I would give him a heads up with all the people coming out to help fix the house. He shakes his head and turns around and starts walking through the house. I shrug and start cleaning again. When I'm almost done I hear Jason come up the steps. He stops and looks around the upstairs area.

   "This is going to be my bedroom. I'm going to add a bathroom up here with a bath and seprate shower. What do you think? Nice huh?" I said. He nods his head and looks at me with a tilt in his head. He turns his head to the window and quickly heads back down stairs and to the back door. I quickly follow him alarmed by his sudden behavior. When I catch up to him I can finally hear tires coming down the road. Jason looks at me like saying he needs to go. I nod my head, understanding that he's not comfortable around a lot of people. He turns and heads out into the woods that are facing the the back door. When he get out of site I head to the front to see who just pulled up to the house. It was dad, he finally showed up with all the supplies. He had to go pick up some tools and other supplies for the work today. I head outside to help him unload everything that was needed.

   "Hey dad. Did you find everything?" I ask as soon as I get to him. He was already starting to grab everything from the back of the truck.

   "Yeah, I was able to grab everything you needed. When is everyone else suposed to be here?" He ask

   "They should be here any minute now. I already got the house cleaned up and ready for all the work to begain." I said

   "Good. I can't wait to see how it'll all turn out." He said. We start taking everyting in the house. When I go to get the last bags I finally hear more vehicals pulling into the drive way. A lot of vehicals. I go ahead and put the last of the bags into the house. When I step back outside again they are starting to pull up and park. The first one to step out of the cars is my comrad Mike from when I was in the army. Mike is a stout man with broud shoulders and a temper to match his short stature. He is five, five with a buzz cut. He has brown hair with matching brown eyes, he's wearing a nave blue t-shirt with cargo pants and combat shoes. Mike is one of my best friends from when I was in the army. Mike looks the house up and down before finally looking at me. With a blinding smile he runs up to me and gives me a big bear hug.

   "It's good to see you again Jose." he said, when he releases me from his bear hug.

   "It's good to see you too Mike. So what do you think? Think we can make something out of it?" I said turning to gesture at the house.

   "Definatly. I honestly thought it was going to be worse with all you wanted done with it but it looks like well be able to do most of what you want. Lets go inside so I can see what all I'm going to be working with." he said. I nod my head and we loop our arms together and I give him the tour of the house. While going though the house he coments here and there on diffrent things. He was super excited that he gets to make me a kitchen from scratch since my kitchen was completly bare. When we get to the upstairs he starts flinging ideas my way on what we can do up there. When I get done showing him everything we head back to the front and start organizing everything and start giving people jobs. Feeling good about everything I go to my truck to grab my hard hat. I walk over to the passenger side and I see something out of the corner of my eye. Looking over and see Jason standing there in the woods looking at me in quistion.

   "Hey. Is everything alright?" I ask him. He looks around and quickly comes over by me, and preses himself against the truck like he's trying to stay unseen.

   "Are you trying to hide?" I ask. He nod his head and looks around again. He looks at me and tilts his head tords everyons.

   "They are all here to work on the house and make it a home. They'll leave once they are finished for the day. Its going to be like this for a few days if not a week. Theres a lot of work that needs to be done and it all depends on how fast they can it everything done." I said. He looks uneasy at the idea of them being here for days at a time. He looks up at me again and I see so many emotions swiming in his eyes. 'His eyes are so beautiful, I could stare all day.' I think feeling suprised at my iner thoughts. Where broken out of our stare down when I hear my name being called by Mike. Blushing we look away from each other.

   "Well I guess I better get going. They will be gone around eaight tonigh. It'll be just my dad and I here." I said, looking at him again. I noticed his ears are bright red from embarassment. 'He looks so cute' I think to myself. He nods his head still looking away from me. I climb up and open the door to my truck and grab my hard hat. I turn and notice hes looking at me again. I jump down and turn to him again.

   "I'll see you later?" I said. He nods his head again. Smiling I put my hat on and wave good bye to him before turning around and heading back to my house. I run into Mike on the way. I guess he was looking for me.

   "Jose there you are. I was looking for you. Who was that behind the truck with you?" He said, conferming my guess. Looking back at the truck in suprise I can see Jasons boots walking away from under the truck.

   "Oh it was my neighbor Jason. He was wondering what all the comotion was, but he had something that he needed to do." I said.

   "Did something happen, you look flushed." he said

   "No nothing happened. He just makes me nervous for some reason, but its nothing. Now come on you needed me for something?" I said, changing the subject. Mike looks at me not convenced but leves it be.

   "Yes. I wanted your openion on the color for the kitchen." he said turning to walk back to the house. 'Today is going to be a long day' I thing to myself as I start following Mike to the house.


   When eaight oclock came around everyone packed everything where they could easly have acces to it tomorrow and loaded up and left. Mike, dad, and I were the only ones left. We cleaned up the house and Mike whent over what all was going to happen tomorrow. Mike is going to have people start painting the walls in the down stairs area while Mike and a few of his employees finish the up stairs bathroom. When they get done with that then they will paint the up stairs. While all thats going on, Mike will have some people on the roof to make sure that its 'perfect' and he's going to have anyone who is finished start taking the siding off the house, since its all water damaged. When we got the house cleaned up Mike went home and dad went to grab us dinner. I walked over to the little clearing and started setting up the tent that dad had decided to sleep in. As I got finished putting the tent together I heard footsteps. Looking up I see Jason.

   "Hey. What's up?" I said. He looks at me and shrughs his sholders. He gestures his hand to the tent.

   "Dad wanted to sleep in a tent. He said and I quote 'it'll be like old times'." I said. He nods and points at me.

  "I'm going to be sleeping in my truck. I have a bed in it so it won't be uncomfortable." I said. He looks at me and tilts his head in question.

   "Would you like to see?" I ask. He nods his head in excitement. When I finish putting everything in the tent I head over to my truck with Jason following. Climbing up I open the driver door and

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