Chapter 3

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   When I got home, Dad took the news hard. He was happy and proud that I had gotten my own house but he's sad that its so far away from him. That was a week ago and he's been trying to talk me out of it but he's accepted it and is excited to help me move and to see the house. We are on our way now to see what all were going to need to fix the house.

  "So are you sure your ready to move out here?" he asked glancing at me.

  "Yes. I'm excited to have my own house." I tell him getting excited. We drive for another hour before we make it to the town of Crystal Lake. Driving through we get a good look at the town while we head twords the lake. Once we start down the road we decide to head to the lake instead to the house to check out the lake. When we pull up we see how beautiful the lake is. Looking at my surroundings more I see that there are cabins and different buildings here. Looking back at the lake I see that there is a dock with a few canoes tied to it. once we park we get out and decide to walk around. Now that we're closer I can see that the cabins look to be in a well kept condition, like some one comes to clean them everyday. I walk down to the dock and sit down. Looking out across the lake I get lost in thought. Thinking about how much my life has changed, and how I've matured gets me feeling depressed that my grandfather couldn't be here to see me now. He would be so proud. So lost in thought I didn't hear dad sit down next to me. He wraps his arm around me, and I lay my head on his shoulder. He holds me there in his loving and warm side hug for awhile. He's been there for me since the begining, so he knows my thoughts without having to ask. After awhile we get up and head back to the car. On the way there I get a feeling like were being watched. Looking around I spot a man standing next to the tree line watching us. Widening my eyes in surprise, I recognise the man as the same man I talked to a week earlier! I give him a small smile and wave at him. Tilting his head he lifts up his hand at me. Turning back around I continue on to the car where dad is already sitting there waiting for me.

   Once I get in the car dad starts it up and turns the car around. We go back up the road until we get to my new driveway. Dad turns down the driveway and we start driving down it.

   "You did a good job on the driveway Jose. I'm happy to see that's one thing we won't have to worry about." He said smiling trying to break the silence.

   "Yeah, it was pretty easy since I had some help with it." I said looking at him. It defiantly wasn't my first time to lay down a drive way like this, usually I have to do it myself but with help I was able to get it done. I was very thankful for the help since it was a long driveway.

   "Well, it looks like you got yourself a nice quiet little place all to yourself huh?" he said as we pull up to the house. Nodding my head we get out and walk up to the front door. Once we walk in we start going through the house, writing down everything that is going to need to be done on a note pad I brought in with me. The house is a three bed one bath house. We're going to make it a two bath. When we get through we look at the list.

   "Wow Jose, this house is great and all but are you sure you can afford to fix it?" dad ask looking worried for me.

   "Yeah dad. I'm going to get some help from some buddy's of mine. I know one that owns a contracting business and I know that he is more than willing to help out since I saved his truck from that sinkhole" I said, remembering the rainy day when I met Joe. I have made a lot of friends and allies while in the army and while on the job. I know that they will help me out with the house.

   "I guess it's time to time to call in some favors." I said while making my way outside. walking into the forest a little bit, I pull out my phone and start the long proses of calling in favors. After about an hour I finally get off the phone. Happy I got everything lined up and set up I turn around to go back to the house when I suddenly hear a twig snap. Looking in the direction of the noise I don't see anything. Getting into a defence position I pull out the hunting knife I have strapped onto my hip. Walking closer to a tree as slowly and stealthily as I can. Creeping closer I listen close and I can hear shallow and slow breathing. When I get right behind the tree I quickly go around it and hold the knife up to the neck of who ever was spying on me. When I see it was that guy Jason again I can see he looks supprised.

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