Chapter 6

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   When morning came along I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After my morning routine I got dressed in some sweats and a metallica t-shirt. I put on some socks and headed down stairs to get breakfast ready. I make some pancakes and coffee. When the food is done I put the pancakes on two different plates and I slap some butter on there and put some berries and fruits on the side. I make the table and pour myself some coffee when I hear Jason coming down the hall. He stops in the doorway of the dining room and looks at the table. 

“Good morning Jason. Wash your hand and you can eat. Do you want coffee?” I said. He looks at me and nods his head. He goes to the kitchen sink and starts washing his hands, while I pour him some coffee.

“Do you want any creamer in it?” ‘no’ “Sugar?” ‘no’ “Milk?” ‘no’ “Do you like it straight black?” I finally ask him and he nods his head yes. I hand him his cup and sit down at the table and start digging in. He sits down at his place but doesn’t touch his food. 

“Are the pancakes okay?” I ask him. He nods his head and points at his mask. 

“You don’t want to take it off?” I said and he nods his head again. 

“You don’t want me to see your face do you?” I said and he shakes his head no.

“Okay. I’ll go to the bar and you can eat here okay?” I said while grabbing my food and going to the bar. When I get settled I hear the knife and fork hitting the table and I know he's started eating. I take my time eating so he can get done eating before me. Right as I eat my last bite he comes around and puts his plate and coffee cup in the sink. 

“Did you like it?” I ask him to get up and put my plate and cup in the sink as well. He nods his head vigorously. I motioned him to follow me into my office where I went onto my computer and pulled up a sign language chart. 

“So sign language is a way to talk to people with your hands. Do you see how the hands are posed? Well each one means something different. Like this one means A. Are you understanding so far?” I said. He nodded his head yes and we started going through the signs of the alphabet. After he got it down we started working on simple words. When it got closer to lunch time I went to the kitchen to make some sandwiches while he continued to work on his sign language. I make four sandwitches and take them all back into my office. When I get there Jason is still working on his signs. He stops when I get there and looks at me. 

“Good job. You're catching on quickly. Are you hungry? I made you some sandwiches. Eat all you want. I’m going to clean the house real quick okay? Just come get me when your done.” I said and he nods his head yes. I go into the kitchen and grab the broom and start sweeping the whole house and picking things up.  When I get done I go to the kitchen and start cleaning up the mess from breakfast when Jason walks in with his plate and hands it to me. When I get done cleaning I go to find Jason and see that he's still in the office. 

“Hey would you like to go for a walk and get out of the house for a little bit?” I ask him when I walk into the office. He gets up and nods his head at me and starts heading to the door. “I’ll be there in a minute okay I need to get my shoes.” I tell him and go up stairs to my bedroom. I grab my black combat boots and put them on. When I get them on I go down stairs and meet Jason at the front door. We started walking out of the house and into the woods where we walked down the familiar trail. He motions me to follow him so I do and he takes me down a different trail that led us to the lake. The view was absolutely breathtaking. The lake was so clear you could see the bottom and the trees were so green. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the beauty of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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