Chapter 2

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   The drive there wasn't to long. On the way there I learned that we're heading to a lake that the sheriff thinks is cursed. Apparently someone bought a house out by the lake that they are trying to flip. They just need a road to get there first and that's what's the gravel is for. Ann talked most of the way there while Josh sat there amazed that I can actually keep up with Jarvis. As I learned that he was going to try to leave me behind as a way to 'boost' his ego for embarrassing him. I guess he didn't like the fact that he embarrassed himself. When Josh told me about this I couldn't help but wonder how petty this man is and how far he would go to fixed his brused pride. I have a feeling I'm about to find out. We turn off the main road and go down this really bad road until we get to the house at the end. The house, or cabin, looks to be in a pretty rundown state and could really need some tlc.

   I park the truck and everyone hops out. When I get out a short woman, who looks to be in her twenties, with kind blue eyes and a bright smile, walks up to us with the sheriff. When they reach us the woman turns to me with a surpprised look and holds her hand out to me.

   "Hello my name is Stephine. You must be Creed. It's so nice to meet you, I'm so glad you were able to get here so fast. I know it was a long drive here, I'm sorry if it was an inconvience to you but I wanted the best of the business and they recomended me you. It took me awhile but I finally found out where  you work. You've made quite a name for yourself you know." she said smiling at me.

   "It's nice to meet you to Stephine. It was no problem I quite enjoyed the drive, and thank you for hiring me. I've been wanting to drive somewhere different for quite awhile." I say while taking her hand and smiling back.

   "Would you like to take a look at the house so you can streach your legs. I have some waters in the house if your thirsty." she said while walking tords the house. I look at Ann and Josh and shrug my sholders and start following her into the house. Walking through the front door I can see that the inside of the house is almost completly done. The front room is painted in a nice shade of light gray and has nice oak wood foors, it's prety bare right now. Walking into the living room I can see it has a nice fire place and the room is painted in an egg shell color, there are a few folding chairs for everyone to sit in. the oak floors looks like it goes through the whole house. We sit down and she leves to a different room, and comes back with five bottles of water. After handing one to everyone she sits down and turns to me.

   "So how would you like this? I've never had to put a road down before." she tells me looking a little lost.

   "Well I could drop it all off in one spot or I can drive along the road while I'm empting out my trailer. It would be up to you to spread it out unless you want help with that to." I said smiling at how lost she is.

   "Um.. I think I would like you to drive down the road and do it that way. And I could use help spreading the gravel out." she said.

   "Sounds like a plan. So why are you selling this house? Its a really nice house." I say looking around the house.

   "Well it was my aunts house. When she passed away she left it to my mom but she didn't want it, so she gave it to me. She told me I could do what I wanted with it, and to be honest I don't have any use for this house so I'm trying to get it fixed up enough to sell it and hopefully make a profet off of it but it's a lot more work than I thought." she said disapointed. Thinking I stand up and look at Stephine.

   "How much would you give for it in the shape it's in now?" I ask. She looks at me with supprise and disbelief.

   "I guess about fifty thousand. Why?" she questions skeptical of my motives.

   "Well what if I told you that I would like to buy your house off you as it is right now." I say. Her eyes widen in supprise. Everyone else looks at me in shock, anoyance, and excitement.

The Hunters (Jason Voorhees x female hunter)Where stories live. Discover now