Chapter 1

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Joslynn's pov.

   Groaning I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. Looking at the alarm i see that its 4 a.m. Groaning again I roll over out of bed and try to wake myself up. Getting up I get up and go to my closet. I take out my work pants, a pain of dark blue wranglers, and a plain green t-shirt. I go to my dresser and pick out a plain blue matching pair of undies. taking my clothes into my bathroom I turn the shower on to let it warm up. I go back into my room and get into my closet again and grab my gray uniform button up long sleeve shirt and head back into the bathroom. When I get there I quickly strip and hop into the shower. I take a quick 10 min. shower and quickly get dressed, and fix my hair into a loose braid. Before I leave I grab a pair of white calf length socks and rush out the door. Running down stairs I see dad making coffee, I walk over to him and grab a coffee cup and pour some coffee to myself.

    "Morning Dad. Are you ready for work today?" I ask, while taking a sip of my coffee. I walk over to the couch in the living room and sit down. I set my coffee down on the coffee while I start putting my socks on.

    " Good morning Josy. I'm as ready as I'm going to be." dad says while sitting down next to me. After I put my socks on I get up and grab my work boots from the floor mat by the front door and sit down again to put them on. I down the rest of my coffee and get up, I look at the clock on the wall and notice that its 4:30 a.m.

    "Welp I better head out before I'm late. I'll see you at work dad."  I say as I get up and walk to the door. Getting out of the door I hear dad say bye. I head over to the black 1999 379 Peterbilt sleeper (picture above). Getting in I'm hit with the smell of the oil field and it brings back fond memories of working with my grandfather. Feeling sad I shake my head, as if I'm shaking the memories away, and start the truck up. Looking a the passenger seat I grab my company ball cap and put it on. When the truck settles I take off down the road and head to work. I turn on the raideo and the song "Last Day Under the Sun, by Volbeat" comes on. Jaming out I think 'today is going to be and intresting day'.


    Pulling up to work, its 5:00 a.m. I drive over to the office and part my truck. Leaving it on I run inside to get my job for today. I walk up to the frond dest where a short older lady with blond hair sits behind a computer typing away. "Morning Gale, whats the job today?" I question the woman. She looks up at me with an eyebrow lifted.

     "Good morning to you to. I see your in a hurry today. Well it looks like you will only be able to do this one job today. Its going to take you most of the day." she says to me while looking back at the computer screen. I hear the printer go off behind her. She gets up and grabs the paper as soon as it gets done. Walking back she grabs a stapler and staples the papers together.

    " You are going to a town called Crystal Lake in New Jersey to deliver a full load of gravel. When you get there you'll need to go to the sherif office to find out where to take the gravel. It looks like your going to have a long day today." she told me while handing me the papers. Taking them I start heading to the door throwing a thank you behind me. As I was getting out the door dad comes in and hands me a paper bag and a coffee cup.

   " Here's you some breakfast and coffee. Where are you going today?" dad asks.
   "Thanks. I'm heading to a town in New Jersey. I gotta deliver them a full load of gravel. I guess I'm going to be gone all day since it's my only job today." I tell him while looking in the bag he handed me. Seeing that he brought me two sausage egg and cheese bisquests I couldn't help but smile, thankful that he remembered my favorite.

   "Well I guess just let me know when you get there so I know your okay, alright?" he said.

   "I will. Love you." I said while walking out the door. Before the door closes I hear a 'love you too'. I head back to my truck and hear 'Gimme All You Lovin, by ZZ Top' come through the radieo. Shifting into reverse I back up and shift into drive, turning towards the the trailer parking lot I head over there while checking the trailer number on the paper I was handed. Seeing that I needed trailer #613 I drive slow until I can see the numbers on the trailers and look for my trailer for today. Seeing trailer #613 I back up to it and hop out of the truck and inspect the trailer, making sure that it can make the trip and that I'm not going to have problems with it. Hooking it up to the truck I check the lights. Satisfied with everthing I hop back into the truck and head to the loading dock. When I get there I radieo the operator and let him know what I need. After I get a confermation I drive into the dock and pull out my bisket and start eating my breakfast while wating for the operator to finish. Eating the last bite of my food I get a radieo letting me know that I'm all good to go. Driving out onto the road I start my long drive to Crystal Lake.

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