Adventures of the Ghosts in the Garage

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It was weird. Really weird. The boys could....poof. They could still poof. How? It was like they were poofing ghost human hybrids. Beautiful sons. 

[A/n: let's see if anyone can recognize what I just referenced. It was a reference to a certain line that stated "Flying mango tomato hybrids. Beautiful sons." does anyone know who wrote this?]

They didn't understand it, but whatever they were, it was cool to not have to walk places when they could teleport. It was like they were from the future, which was ironic since they weren't, obviously(they don't even have cell phones yet!). 

It did make travel to the garage from Julie's room without being seen by Ray a lot easier. Now the boys could begin to pack their things and grab their instruments. Good thing Julie's dad already knew they had a drum set. All Alex had to carry insturment-wise was the bass drum with their band logo on it since it was a recent add on to the drum that Ray didn't know about. As far as Julie's dad was concerned, their bass drum was still the Sunset Curve one, and Alex brought the Julie and the Phantoms bass drum. 

They were being very smart and stealthy today with trying to make it appear like the boys really did just show up for the first time. It made Alex feel guilty. But not as much as Reggie. Reg hated lying to his best-dad-friend, Ray, who didn't even know about all the memories they had.

Julie and Carlos had given them some suitcases to put their things in to seem more natural since normal people don't fly on planes with their clothes in a trash bag. All this thinking this early in the morning was making Luke's head hurt, so he just tried to roll with it. He grabbed his black trash bag of T-shirt's and hoodies with the sleeves ripped off and a few overshirts with sleeves and shoved the entire bag into a suitcase.

"Dude, you're not even going to take them out of the bag?" Alex asked as he pulled his clothes out of his bag, folded them neatly, and placed them into the suitcase very organized.

"Why should I? No one's gonna care or look in here but me. Besides, I know where everything is in this bag. If I take stuff out, I'll be lost."

"Not if you organize..."Alex mumbled.

"Alex..." Reggie whined.


"Can you help me? I can't fold as neatly as you. I also don't know how to do that thing you do," Reggie asked.

"What thing I do? You mean put stuff into a suitcase where everything has its place?"

"Yeah. That."

"Ugh. Ok, give me that," Alex said, stepping over to Reggie and grabbing the t-shirt from his hands to fold it.

"There. All set," Alex sighed a few moments later, zipping up Carlos' suitcase Reggie was borrowing.

"Ugggggh. Erg. Errmmmm. HHHmmmmmmmmmm. *sighs* hmmm. hmmmmmMMMMM. Aghhhh! Alex! How the heck did you finish packing your stuff and Reggie's before I could finish zipping mine?!" Luke grunted and exclaimed as he fought his suitcase.

"Well, first of all, I'm fast. Second, your clumpy bag of clothes is too bulky. Third, we don't have too many clothes to have to pack up. And fourth, the plastic is stuck in the zipper."

Alex helped Luke take his stuff out after a moment of arguing, and put them neatly into the suitcase.

"Wow, that makes it so easy! I know where everything is, and I can see it all at once!" Luke looked shocked.

Alex sighed a big long sigh, and said,"Yeah. You're welcome, bro. Can we go now? I think I need to go lay down on that guest bed now. Your disorganization and clothes stressed me out too much and now I'm tired."

"Dude, we just woke up like thirty minutes ago and you're tired from my clothes?" Luke said defensively.


"Well, I mean, we haven't eaten since the ghost club," Reggie pointed out.

They all agreed that it was obvious they could eat now and needed food for energy for sure. Their stomachs were growling. So they left the garage.

As the walked up to Julie's porch, they heard a weird noise.

"What's that?" Alex whispered, stopping dead in his tracks.

"It sounds like that time that neighbor's angry dog growled very breathily in my ear while I was on the ground trying to fix my amp," Reggie said, also stopping walking as Luke does, too.

"Was this the time in the rain when you got electrocuted and started seeing things for a few days?" Luke asked, recalling how Reggie said the jolts felt like that time he was fixing his amp in the rain.

"No. Different time fixing my amp. It broke a lot."

They shrugged off Reggie's weird recollection of experiences and went up to the corner of the porch to find what the noise was that they didn't notice had stopped. All they saw was Nick on the front porch, facing away from the door. He cracked his neck and said something they couldn't hear.

It was peculiar. Who was he talking to? And why was he facing away from the door?

They heard the door open and saw Nick turn his head around oddly to look to the door. Julie could be heard saying something. 

"This feels wrong. Remember the last time we listened in on someone's conversation?" Alex said.

"Yeah... we should go..." Reggie agreed.

"We can't even hear them that much, it's not eavesdropping if we can't hear what they're saying," Luke said, his jealousy getting the best fo him and making him want to stay and watch.

"You're right. It's called spying. Which is still wrong. It's bad as ghosts, it's bad as humans, it's just bad and we shouldn't do it. Boundaries. We need to respect Julie's privacy," Alex replied.

"Yeah...I know. Julie deserves privacy and we need to give that to her. Let's go check out those plants over there," Luke said and headed towards random plants.

They walked around in some plants in Julie's side yard and looked at some pretty flowers. What they didn't realize was that one of the plants they stepped in just so happened to have three leaves, was green, and commonly known as poison ivy, and not the pretty Batman character either. 

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