Ghosts on the Doorstep

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A/n: This one is long. Like, twice as long as the others. Mostly dialogue though. I was bored in science today so I wrote. I also felt bad for not posting last night. I had a headache last night. But I'm all good now, and I might even post another tonight. We'll see.... Til then, love you guys! Thanks for all your support! 😁

Julie opened the door once again to see Luke on the porch. The boys then recreated when they apologized to her before for missing the dance in their adorable singing way.

Reggie leaned over to Julie's left from behind Luke and sang, "We missed you!"

"So muuch!"Alex sang next.

And Luke finished with,"We super duper crazy stupid missed you!" as he kneeled just like before.

Julie didn't even have to act. Even though she knew the boys were going to show up at the door and were bound to do something funny, it was as if she was getting to see them for the first time in forever. It was like their made up story was real. Tears began to form in Julie's smiling eyes as she laughed a small little laugh at their greeting.

"Luke! Alex! Reggie! Guys! You're here?!" She exclaimed.

"Julie!" They all said in unison, arms still open wide for their re-creation of their apology from a week ago.

Julie was so excited she didn't even think, she just ran into Luke's arms to hug him, kneeling on the porch with him. Luke was so surprised by this she nearly knocked him over.

"Woah! Hey Jules. We missed you," Luke smiled.

"I missed you guys so much!" Julie said, extending her arms for Alex and Reggie to join their hug.

Reggie shrugged and got onto one knee and linked arms with Julie and Luke. Alex did as well, hugging Julie and Reggie with Luke crammed in between them. They were like a sandwich, and Luke sure felt like they were.

"Can't...breeeeath...."Luke whispered.

"Oh! Sorry", Julie said. They all loosened their grip but it was like they knew none of them wanted to let go yet. They all laughed at the fact that they were just sitting there, squeezing the life out of each other, and yet, they didn't want to stop.

Ray, Flynn, and Carlos all just stood in the doorway beaming at this "reunion" as Mr. Molina thought.

"So, Julie, are these the boys from your band? They're real? You guys aren't just holograms!" Ray joked.

Julie decided it was time to "explain" their story to her father so it seemed believable. She let go of the boys and they all stood up.

"Yes, this is..." She said, allowing them to introduce themselves.

"Luke, I'm Luke, and this is..."

"Reggie, hey."

"And I'm Alex."

"Ba-da," Luke said, holding arms out in a questionable presentation of the boys.

"Hi, I'm Julie's dad, my name is Ray," He said.

They already knew this of course, but it was weird to actually meet him. They weren't sure what to call him, or if he would approve of them.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Molina," Alex said as the other two just smiled nervously.

"Oh you can just call me Ray."

"Ok, cool. So, Ray, I hear you like french dip?" Reggie said.

"Yes...I do. I can make you some later. So, um, Julie, where did you say these boys were from?" Mr. Molina asked.

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