Why Was He Acting So Weird? (Oh I don't know Julie...)

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 "Hi! Nick!"Julie was caught so off guard, her voice was higher than usual. Even though she wasn't expecting it, she was a glad to see Nick. Confused as to why he turned around so weirdly, Julie was wondering what he was here for. She then thought it was so sweet of him when she saw the bouquet of flowers he held out to her. "Thanks," She said with a smile, taking the beautiful flowers in her hands. 

"You were great last night," Nick said, almost like it was weird to talk to her.

"Oh, thank you. You're such a kind friend, Nick," She replied.

He just smiled (still strangely).

"Well, thanks for stopping by, and for these gorgeous flowers. It was so nice of you. Have a good winter break. I'll see you later," Julie said, beginning to close the door.

"Yeah. See you later," Nick said. Almost as if he forgot something very important, Nick quickly grabbed her wrist and stopped her from closing the door. "Oh! And Julie? You guys really are an amazing band. I hope you'll play another concert again soon, I can't wait to hear what new songs you write. Tell the boys I said they were great last night," Nick said, and smiled, kind of...slyly? No...why would he smile...slyly? It's Nick. Right? (Haha sure)

Julie smiled and nodded pleasantly as a thanks and said, "I will definitely tell them- ow!" Julie quickly pulled her wrist away from his hand. It felt like something was burning her. But...that's impossible, his hands can't burn her. He must just have rough palms. Julie didn't pay much mind to it. She didn't even look at her wrist long enough to see the purple stamp glowing on her skin before it disappeared.


Julie closed the door behind her, still smiling at the gesture she found nice. She didn't even notice Flynn's strange expression. Or that Flynn was eavesdropping on her short conversation with Nick.

"Ahem...Earth to Jules!" Flynn said.

"What? Why are you making a weird confused face? What's wrong?"

Flynn looked utterly shocked at Julie's short moment of naivety. "You didn't notice how weird Nick was acting?! Why did he turn around like that? And talk, like, slow, and....mysteriously? It was really kinda creepy honestly."

Julie understood exactly what she meant, "Oh, yeah. Why was he acting so weird? It was so unlike him. But, everything he said seemed like him, and showing up here, that was considerate of him. I don't get it. All that was weird was the way he talked and his motions."

"Like how he grabbed your hand?!"Flynn was really upset about that for some reason.

"It was my wrist. But yeah."

"Whatever. He grabbed you to stop you from closing the door and hurt your wrist," Flynn said.

"I don't think he meant to. It wasn't like he was gripping my arm tightly. I think it was just his rough palms or something. See, there's nothing here," Julie said, showing Flynn her spotless skin on her wrist.

"I don't know...something was really off about him."

"Well yeah, but I don't know...we don't know why, or what's going on in his life right now. Maybe he just needs caffeine, or drank caffeine and usually doesn't. Who knows?" Julie shrugged.

"Breakfast is ready Jules!" Mr. Molina interrupted.

"Ok. I'll help you bring it to the table. Carlos, can you get the syrup?" Julie answered.


Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and someone rang the doorbell.

"Now who could that be? Is it Nick again? He better not lay a hand on my daughter again..." Ray said in a fatherly tone, but clearly as a joke.

"Dad, I don't think it is. I'll get it."

Smiling as her back was turned to her dad, Julie went to the door again. She opened the door, and she tried her hardest to seem genuinely surprised at the hilarious and cute display of funny boys on her porch.

Author's Note/Question-ish:

Hey JatP fans and my wonderful readers. I just wanted to know, do you guys like me having the short-ish chapters/parts? I know it can be annoying to wait a whole day for like 600 words, but, at least it can make it where you can read them quickly in between doing things. If you would rather I do longer chapters than what I have been doing (which is more like a scene for each one), let me know in the comments. I will say, if you want longer chapters, you may have to wait longer in between chapters. In was you haven't noticed, I have been posting new ones late at night. That's because I'm so busy during the day, I don't have time. And, frankly, it apparently takes me nearly an hour to write 600 words? (Idk why. I get distracted easily I guess.) Anyway, if you want longer chapters or shorter chapters, let me know, but keep in mind, shorter means updates like every day or so, longer means, well, longer in between updates. Have a wonderful day/night fantoms!! 🙂

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