Chapter 7 Bonus 2!

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Tadashi's POV:

It was fun having Daichi teach me how to swim, he really is just like a dad to me, and Tsukki looks so proud of me as I swim to him. I'm really happy. I swim around quite a bit with Tsukki, he's so much better than me but that's to be expected.

I'm getting pretty good as I swim around Tsukki and it's actually pretty fun. I swim up to Tsukki happily and suddenly he picks me up, kind of throwing me up as he stands up fully so that I land in his arms. I squeal excitedly as he catches me. "Tsukki!" I say and wrap my arms around his neck. He just chuckles and bends his knees back down in the water so that it's up to our chests again.

"That was actually kind of fun..." I say quietly as we float. "Well, I could try to throw you if you want. My dad used to toss me into the air, and I'd fall into the water. It's not too deep that you can't reach the bottom, if you get scared all you have to do is stand up." He says and brushes the hair out of my face.

"Umm... Yeah, I want to try that." I say nervously. "Okay, are you ready? Hold your nose." He says as he shifts to get a better hold of me. I feel the slight panic in my chest, but the excitement outweighs it. "Yeah!" I say excitedly this time and hold my nose.

Suddenly Tsukki stands up and throws me up. I go even higher than his head before I come back down and hit the water. I scream excitedly from the moment that he lets go to the moment I hit the water as I flail my arms and legs.

I go under the water and quickly stand up like Tsukki told me and my head and torso come right out of the water. "TSUKISHIMA! What the hell are you thinking?! You probably just scared him!" I hear Suga scream at Tsukki as I come back up.

I waist no time in swimming back to Tsukki as Suga comes up to us too, "Again again again!!!" I say excitedly as I bounce up and down in front of Tsukki, ignoring Suga who thinks I'm scared. "I told you, he wanted me to. You think I would do something against his will?" Tsukki says and picks me up again. Suga just stands there with his mouth open as he watches us.

Tsukki quickly throws me in the air again after I get ready and I squeal in excitement as I go through the air, flailing my arms and legs before I hit the water again. I can see Tsukki's legs under the water and don't even bother coming up again before I start swimming towards him.

I pop up in front of him and I can see his worried expression before he sighs in relief. "Again!" I say happily as I smile at him. He actually laughs and I can see Suga look at him surprised out of the corner of my eye. "You scared me when you didn't come back up right away. You're that excited about being thrown in the air?" He asks.

I nod my head vigorously at him. I hear Suga laugh but I keep my eyes on Tsukki, waiting for him to toss me again. He quickly does and I'm so excited that I forget to hold my nose.

I hit the water and immediately inhale some. I panic a little as I stand up quickly and start coughing out the water. But Tsukki is next to me in a second and the excitement returns. "Tadashi, are you okay?" He asks worriedly. I shake my head 'Yes' as I catch my breath.

"Again!" I wheeze out and Tsukki shakes his head. "Only if you hold your nose this time." He says and I quickly hold it. Tsukki chuckles as he picks me up again before throwing me.

I have no idea how many times Tsukki threw me but is was a lot. Eventually we have to stop and get out of the water to get ready for dinner though.

"Did you have a good time Dashi?" Tsukki asks me as we make our way to the showers. "Yeah! I did, thank you so much Tsukki!" I say and hug him. He chuckles as he hugs me back, "You're welcome Dashi." He says.

We all shower and make our way back to the campfire to start dinner. I help even though I don't have to and soon we're eating dinner. I sit in Tsukki's lap as we talk with everyone and even Tsukki is talking to some of our teammates. I smile as I lay against him and I can't help but feel extremely happy, and safe, and tired.

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