Chapter 5

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Tadashi's POV:

After lunch I didn't really want to do anything other than lay back down with Tsukki. I liked how safe I felt with him holding me. 

Thankfully, Tsukki must have figured that out because after he was done eating, he laid back down and opened his arms, inviting me to come back.

I smiled as I started to lay down, 'I wonder what he would do if I laid down directly on top of him?' I questioned and decided to find out. 

I laid down on top of him, laying my head on his chest as I rested my arms on either side of his torso and laid my legs on the outside side of his. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me, and I heard his heart beat just a little bit faster.

After I settled into his arms, he started rubbing my back lightly and I hummed into his chest, closing my eyes. 

"Tadashi, I need to tell you something." He said suddenly. "What is it Tsukki?" I asked, fully content with our current position.

"... I, I was so scared when you fell into the water. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have you by my side. All of this has made me realize just how much I care about you. I really like you Tadashi and I heard you earlier just before you fell asleep. I want to make sure you heard me too. I love you Tadashi." He said and fell silent but continued to rub my back lightly.

I froze at his words, staring at the room from Tsukki's chest. I didn't know what to do, I thought that I had said 'I love you Tsukki' in my head earlier, but apparently, I said it out loud. 

I lifted my head up to look at him. Immediately, he trapped me with his beautiful golden, honey brown eyes. I stared at him for a while with my mouth hanging open.

"Y-you, y-you l-love m-me?" I managed to studder out. He tucked a strand of my hair that had fallen into my face behind my ear, "Yes, I do Dashi." He said and rested his hand on my cheek. 

After a while he slowly began pulling my face closer to his.

I felt my brain short circuit the closer our faces became and suddenly his lips were a centimeter from my own. 

"Dashi, can I please kiss you?" He asked quietly and I managed to breathe out a "yes."

The next second out lips met. It was slow and gentle, but it sent electricity down my spine. 

The world seemed to stop around us; it was just us in the moment. It was over sooner than I wanted but I was speechless as he looked into my eyes.

"Would you do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?" Tsukki asked after a few minutes. 

"Yes, yes I would love that Tsukki!" I said excitedly and kissed him again. "Good." He said and smiled. The rest of the day we stayed in our cabin, cuddling and sharing sweet kisses.

As the sun went down, we heard a knock at the door, and I looked up worriedly at Tsukki. 'Does he want the others to know we're dating?' I thought to myself. 

He looked at me and gave me a kiss before he called out, "What?" clearly annoyed at whoever was interrupting us but didn't move as the door opened.

"Hello! I just wanted to let you know that dinner is about to start so it's time to come out to the campfire!" Suga said happily as he looked at us. 

"Okay, we'll be out in a minute." Tsukki said still without moving. "Okay!" Suga said and left the cabin.

"Tsukki, you don't care if people know about us?" I asked cautiously looking up at him. 

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