Chapter 4

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Suga's POV:

Daichi and I decided to reschedule our wakesurfing trip to another day so that I could keep an eye on Tadashi. Noya and Tanaka felt absolutely horrible for what they did and Noya started crying after he saw Tadashi walk by as Daichi yelled at them. 

By the time Tadashi and Kei had gotten out of the shower I had told everyone that there was a change in plans for today and it was a free day instead. I also told them to leave Tadashi and Kei alone and explained what happened earlier.

They all agreed that a free day was a good idea and went off to do their own things. Noya and Tanaka weren't allowed to leave Daichi and I's sight though. 

Daichi had decided to punish the two by making them take over all of Tadashi's duties, that were assigned each day to everyone, for the rest of the trip. They also had to help set up for dinner tonight, their first task being collect firewood and kindling for the campfire.

It was my job to decide what we would have for dinner, so I started making a list of groceries we would need to get when Professor Takeda took us to the store later. 

Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Noya staring at me. "Do you need something Noya?" I asked.

"Well, we wanted to apologize to Yamaguchi, but we didn't know how. So, I asked Daichi how we could apologize, and he suggested that we buy him a present and say we were sorry tonight. So, I was hoping that we could go with you to the store later to find him a present." He said and stared at the ground.

"Sure, and that sounds like a wonderful idea. But you know that Tsukishima is not going to forgive you very easily, you scared him pretty badly too and he probably will not be happy with either of you going near Yamaguchi. You both should apologize and then let them have space tonight." I say seriously.

"Okay, I understand. Thanks mom!" Noya said and ran off towards Daichi. 'I'm going to have to keep Kei from killing those two long enough for them to apologize to Tadashi.' I thought to myself and sighed.

Daichi decided to stay behind with the others so Kiyoko came with us to the store. Kiyoko had agreed to help Noya and Tanaka pick out something for Tadashi because they didn't know what to get him.

When we got to the store, we decided to start with finding Tadashi's present. "Hmm, what should we get him? What does he like?" Noya asked Tanaka. "Well, he likes stars!" Tanaka said. "I bet he would like a stuffed animal." Kiyoko added. "Our goddess is a genius!" Tanaka said excitedly and the two ran off to the toy section.

We quickly followed and soon found them looking through the selection of stuffed animals. "Oh! Tanaka look at this one!" Noya yelled as he shoved a small animal at Tanaka. "Bro, it's perfect!" he said as he rushed over to Kiyoko. 

"Do you think it's good enough?" He asked her. She took the stuffed animal from him and I finally saw that it was a small penguin that was holding a star. "Aww!" I said as Kiyoko agreed that it was cute. "Yay! We're going to get this one!" Tanaka said proudly as he put it in our cart.

"Oh! Can we also get him some candy or something too?" Noya asked me. "Sure." I said and smiled at him. 

"How about cake?!" Tanaka suggested excitedly, "we could get a strawberry cake! It's Tsukishima's favorite so I bet Yamaguchi likes it too!" He added. "Yeah!" Noya agreed loudly.

"Okay, we can get some strawberry cake for them." I said as we went to the grocery side of the store. We found everything on the list fairly quickly and the boys picked out a small strawberry cake for Tadashi and Kei before we left.

I helped Kiyoko unpack the groceries in the girl's cabin, where we had decided to store most of the food so that the other boys didn't snack on it before we needed it. 

It was already 2pm so I made Tadashi and Kei some sandwiches and grabbed some juice and chips, "I haven't heard from them since this morning so I'm going to bring them some lunch and check on them. I'll be back to help prepare for dinner." I said to Kiyoko as I took the boys lunches and walked out of her cabin. "Okay." She called as the door shut.

Tadashi and Kei's cabin was quiet as I knocked on the door. When there wasn't a response, I opened the door. 

The sight made my heart melt. They were both fast asleep on Kei's bed. Kei was holding Tadashi close as Tadashi cuddled up to him. 

I set down the sandwiches on the nightstand and Kei opened his eyes. He looked up at me before looking down at the food then over to Tadashi.

"Hey, are you hungry Dashi?" He asked gently rubbing Tadashi's back to wake him up. "Hmm?" Tadashi mumbled as his eyes fluttered open. "Suga brought lunch." He said as Tadashi looked at him.

"Oh, okay." He said as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "How are you feeling Tadashi?" I said as I handed him one of the plates and Kei the other. 

"I'm feeling better now, thanks." He said taking the sandwich. "Good! I'm glad. We're having a free day today so you guys can do whatever you want. We are going to have dinner around the bonfire tonight though, and yes Tsukishima, I want you both to come." I said as Kei scowled but stayed silent as he ate his sandwich.

"Okay, we'll be there." Tadashi said as he set his hand on Kei's thigh. Kei looked at him and nodded. "Good, well I'll leave you two alone until then." I said smiling at them as I exited the cabin. 

'Those two totally have feelings for each other! They just need to figure it out for themselves now.' I thought to myself and giggled.

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