Non(this)story Update!

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♡ Hello! ^~^ I just wanted to let you know that I have decided to post the whole AU I made! (I'm hella nervous! O.o)
This is one of the stories I made for relatively later in this AU, I'm adding some details and correcting some spelling and grammar errors for when I add/post this story in the AU. I started writing this AU as separate stories and then put them together so I hope it's not weird. I have some of the stories written but I'm adding things in between to make it flow a little better (or so I hope) Anyway, if you decide to read it I hope you like it!
Just so you know the AU has lot's of angst in it and that's where it starts out, but it also has lots of really cute parts because I love TsukkiYama and I adore the idea of Tsukki being soft for Yams ♡ I also adore femboy Yams soooo 👀
That's it! For now that's what I'll be working on! I hope you have a wonderful day! ^~^

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