Dean Ambrose

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They are all going to be X OC ones, unless they are requests that require a specific name and plot. :)

"I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Kat screamed at Dolph Ziggler, her now ex-boyfriend. She ran down the hall and out of the front door slamming it behind her, as she ran out into the pouring rain. She kept running until she found herself in an alleyway. It was dark and cold, so she curled up into a ball and sobbed.

"Kat? Is that you?" A familiar voice echoed down the alleyway.

Kat continued to sob, louder and louder. Footsteps could be heard along the cold, hard concrete. Kat felt a hand on her shoulder and she flinched causing the hand to jerk back.

"Are you alright Kat? I didn't mean to scare you." It was Dean. The man, along with his 'brothers' Roman and Seth, who used to bully Kat back at the locker room, stealing her food from catering, taking her bag and generally just being rude. But she could help having feelings for this man. Despite everything he put her through, she loved him.

"W..Why are helping me?" She asked, quivering.

"Why wouldn't I help you? I couldn't just leave you to freeze to death could I?" He said in his cocky voice. She loved that voice.

Dean suddenly picked Kat up, bridal style and started to walk out of the alleyway.

"Where are you taking?" Kat asked, frightened.

"Back to my hotel room."


"Because that's pretty much where I live?"

The hotel Dean was staying in was about five minutes away. Dean carried Kat the whole way and luckily it had stopped raining. Once they got there, Dean dropped her on the bed and he walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. He handed it to Kat, and smiled. It wasn't one of his normal cocky smirks, it was a proper, heart warming smile. One you wouldn't expect to see from a man like Dean. Kat blushed a deep shade of pink, and she covered her face with the towel, blushing even more knowing that Dean saw her blush at him. He chuckled, sitting down on the bed.

"Your so cute, Kat." He said.

"W..what?" She peeked out from under the towel.

"I said, your cute, Kat." He replied.

"Really?" She said, shocked, pulling the towel completely off of her face.

"Of course you are, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

"But, you're always mean to me..."

"Ah, well... um... I just..."


"Alright, I really like you okay? The boys don't know, and I don't want them to either. They'll just take the piss. So I just go along with them taking your stuff..."


"And I know you probably hate me for it, so now I look like a total douche and I should just leave and...

"DEAN!" Kat shouted.

Dean immediately stopped talking and stared at her. His blue, grey eyes , meeting her deep blue ones.

"I don't hate you, okay?" She said smiling.

"You like me?" Dean said, surprised.

"Of course I do."

"Oh..." it was his turn to blush now, Kat giggled.

"And i'm not sure if this is appropriate to ask but, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, so innocently.

"Dean. I'd love too!" She replied.

And then, completely unexpectedly, Dean smashed his lips against hers, and that turned into a full make out session, and seriously, I don't even want to speak about it.

Oh, I don't have anything against Dolph Ziggler. I call him Zigglypuff, don't judge me, bruh.

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