Roman Reigns

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The moment Taylor saw him, her face turned bright red and she had to look away. She new Paige had a crush on him, but they were best friends. Roman sat up, shaking his hair in anger. He wasn't normally a klutz, and he wasn't about to be named one. He turned his head to yell at Taylor, but then he stopped himself. He too went bright red and turned away. Roman wasn't normally this shy, but Taylor definitely was. Roman tried his best to think of the words to say, but he couldn't sound them out properly. Something about Taylor made him go dead silent inside, much like a child would.

"I-I'm sorry for tripping over y-you," Roman stammered, "I wasn't watching where I was going, and yeah..."

Taylor turned her head towards Roman, covering her blushing face. She knew it wasn't his fault for tripping. She was the one laying in the pathway looking at the clouds. She too, had a hard time of forming words.

"N-no!" She squealed, "I was reckless sitting in the road!"

After an awkward moment of silence, Roman decided to speak up once more.

"What's your name?" He asked, regaining confidence. "I know I've seen you before with Nikki and Brie, but I'm not sure if I ever caught your name."

"M-my name is Taylor," she stuttered. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Roman."

Roman stuck his hand out awkwardly to greet her. Taylor shook it in her response. She eyed the clouds sadly. She didn't understand why she had to be so socially awkward. Usually she was hyper around her friends, always talking about something fascinating.

"The clouds look nice today." Roman commented, "It's been a while since I had the experience to share a cloud watch with someone."

Taylor wasn't sure how to respond to that, she had felt the same way. Roman laid back in the grass next to her, pointing out a cloud that looked awfully like a cat. Taylor laughed slightly, pointing to a cloud that resembled nothing more than fluff. Yet, he didn't call her out on it. The two of them sat like this for the longest while, just getting to know each other, and pointing out the odd shaped clouds. Soon the sun started to set. Meaning: Taylor would have to get going so she wasn't late for her meeting with Stephanie. As she was about to tell Roman this, he grabbed her hand. This caught Taylor's attention, her face turned bright red once more as she stared back at Roman. His eyes sparkled slightly, he really didn't want her to leave already.

"Taylor, we should do this again sometime," he said.

She turned her head away, nodding slightly. She agreed, but the words got stuck in her throat. Roman noticed this, and he stood up from the ground to stand next to her. He leaned over, and gently kissed her on the cheek.

"Maybe we can hang out tomorrow," he chirped, "I like you. You're definitely one of the better people to talk to in this world!"

He ran off leaving Taylor behind in awe. She rubbed her red face.

                         How was she going to explain this to Paige?

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