Seth Rollins

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"It's fair guys, you never let me win!" Seth moaned as he dropped the controller and flopped backwards.

"2K15 isn't an easy game, ya' know." Dean said, chuckling.

"BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!" Seth cried.

"Shut up, Seth. You make to much noise." Roman scolded him.



There was a knock on the door and Jena walked in.

"What's this I here about 2K15?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I bet I can beat Jena! Jena play a match with me! PLEEEASE?" Seth widened his eyes and kneeled down on the floor.

"Eh, I 'dunno...."


"Okay fine..."

                           ~Time Skip~5 Minute Match on 2K15~●

Dean and Roman were casually dying of laughter while Seth stared at the TV screen in disbelief.

"I. Have, no words...." Roman said, pretty much crying with laughter.

"I WAS BEATEN BY A FUCKING GIRL!" Seth shouted, causing Dean to tumble onto the floor as he feel off of the chair in laughter.

"I'm sorry, please don't hurt me!" Jena managed to squeak out.

"You need to be punished..." Seth said in a demonic voice.


Seth pounced on top of Jena and started tickling her, everywhere. And I mean, everywhere. Jena was practically screaming in laughter  as Seth took his anger out in tickle mode. This carried on for like five minutes, until Seth just flopped down and was laying on Jena's chest. It was having in and out as she was breathing heavily.

"Well this isn't awkward at all." Dean said. Him and Roman left the room, as of to be on purpose.

"I can't breathe..." Jena joked. She sat up and whacked her head on the table leg. She yelped and grabbed her head in pain.

"JENA ARE YOU OKAY!?" Seth panicked, sitting up.

"Yes, Seth I'm fine... My forehead just hurts a little, that's all."

Seth leaned forwards and kissed Jena on the forehead.


"Yes, it's better now." She smiled.

"Oh yeah, and Jen? Try not to beat me next time."

So kawaii Dedicated to aurora6910

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