CM Punk

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I'm not that familiar with CM Punk, but I'll try my best. (But I do know his real name is Phil :3)

Phil strutted down the hall, careful to avoid people. He didn't need any distractions right now. He walked to the Divas locker room, ignoring the sound of heels behind him.

"What are you doing?"

He turned around to see Naomi, Faye's best friend.

"Uh, i'm looking for Faye, have you seen her?" He asked.

She pointed to the door that entered Catering. Phil walked over to the door and walked in. Faye was munching Doritos while talking to Tyson Kidd and Natalya. Her blonde hair was in a thick braid, she had her back to him at the moment. Phil saw Natalya and Tyson walk away, now was his chance! He walked over.


The girl looked up, green eyes brighter than Phil had ever seen. He quickly looked away, flushing slightly.

"Oh, hi Phil!" Faye chirped. "How are you?" She stuffed more Doritos in her mouth.

"Me? Oh I'm fine thanks, but um.."


"I've been watching your matches lately and..."

"Wait. You watch me in my matches!?" She questioned, blushing.

"Yeah, and I wanted to ask, um..."

"Go on, Phil," Faye smiled, "I'm waiting to hear what you have to say."

Phil hesitated, suddenly dead nervous as to what he wanted to ask. He wondered if it was a good idea or not.

"Uh, will you be my girlfriend?"

Faye paused, "I'd love to!"

So, how did I do? :3

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