Seth Rollins (XkimMadMelx)

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Melody walked into Stephanie and Hunter's office. Today she started at WWE, so she was checking out everywhere, and was currently picking up her weekly schedule. She nervously knocked on the door amd walked in.

"Ah, Melody is it?" Hunter said, rising from his chair.

"Yes, um, Sir."

Stephanie chuckled. "You're here for your schedule right?" she asked smiling.

"Uh, yeah."

"Well," Hunter picked up the sheet, looking at it, "It looks like you have a match tonight!" He exclaimed.

"Wait, I do?" Melody squeaked.

"Stephanie chuckled again, "There's nothing to be worried about!"

"But one thing," Hunter added.

"Stay away from The Shield." They said in unison.

                                            ●Later That Evening●

"Here is your winner, Melody!!"

Melody jumped up and cheered along with the crowd. Suddenly it went dark.


The last thing she remembered, was being Speared into the turnbuckle, and passing out.

                                      ●Even Later That Evening●

"Are you sure we did the right thing, Dean?"

"Of course we did, Seth. Just stop worrying like a child and shut up."

Melody stirred and awoke with a start. She was in a fairly large room, laying down on a dark blue couch. Towering over her, were three men. She screamed and covered her face. One of the men laughed.

"We're not going to hurt you, Melody," He said with a cocky attitude, "Unless you don't do what we tell you too."

"W..what!?" She squealed.

"C'mon Dean, that's no way to make a first impression." The other man said. "We should at least introduce ourselves first."

"Huh, fine. I am Dean Ambrose. And I hate people!"

"How nice and positive... Anyway, i'm Roman Reigns."

"Uh, i'm Seth..." the third man said quietly, staring at the floor.

"Seth... ARE YOU STILL WORRYING!?" The man called Dean shouted at him.

"GET OUT OF MY FACE!" Seth shouted back.

"Seriously guys, we need to get along if little Melody is too stay here." Roman scolded them.

"W...why am I here?" Melody stammered, shaking with fear.

"You're joining The Shield." Dean snapped.

"What!? NO!" Melody jumped up a little.

"What!? YES!" Dean mocked her.


"Sorry Roman..."

Roman walked out of the room, shaking his head, while Dean stuck his fingers up at him. Seth chuckled. Dean's phone began to ring, he grabbed it out of his back pocket, answered it and left. Melody was left in a room with Seth. Alone.

"D..did Roman hurt you?" He asked sympathetically.

"Yeah, a little..." she replied, sitting up.

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