Dolph Ziggler

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Alice and Dolph have been dating for about two years now, and today was their anniversary. Alice was excited, as she couldn't wait to give Dolph his present. She called over AJ, her best friend, because she was feeling nervous. They sat and chatted for hours until, Dolph got home, he was curious at first as to why AJ was in his locker room, but in the end he dismissed it and them finished chatting.

After another two hours of endless chat, and Dolph banging his head against the wall, AJ left the two alone.

"Is she finally gone?" Dolph said, walking out of his bedroom.

"Yes, and no offense, but I'm glad she's gone too." Alice replied.

Dolph laughed. "She is pretty annoying you know."

Alice laughed with him. Her stomach growled. Dolph picked up his cell phone, "Pizza?"


Dolph called the Pizza Place and ordered their meal. He put his cell phone down on the table and slumped down on the couch next to Alice. He put an arm around her shoulders and she rested her head on his shoulder. They sat like this for a while, until the doorbell rung.

"I'll get it." Dolph said, standing up. He payed the guy for the pizza and brought it into the living room. He sat back down and put it on the coffee table, and opened the lid.

"Can we watch a movie?" Alice asked, looking up at him innocently.

"Of course," Dolph kissed her on the forehead, "What movie do you want to watch?"



"Awww... pleeeease Dolph!" She begged.

"Ugh, fine..." he finally gave in, he got up and started looking for the Movie on the TV. Alice ran off to fetch a blanket, and he turned on the movie. She came back and jumped onto the couch, and snuggled into Dolph's chest. The movie started, and Dolph grabbed a slice of pizza. Alice reached up and grabbed a piece of the pepperoni off of Dolph's slice, and ate it.


She giggled, and then started singing along to the song on the movie. Dolph groaned. This carried on throughout the whole movie, until it finished.

"Alice, I love you. But I swear to god if you make me watch that movie again..."

"You'll do what?" She smirked.


He tackled her down on the sofa and started tickling her, she screamed.

"D..DOLPH! STOP! I CAN'T BREATHE!" She laughed and sort of screamed at the same time. Dolph gently kissed her, lifting her back up again.

"Oh I just remembered! I need to give you your anniversary present!" Alice giggled scrambling up from the couch and stamping into her room. She came out carrying a medium sized box. She handed it to Dolph.

"Here." She smiled, "I hope you like it."

Dolph opened the box and pulled out a picture frame. It contained several photographs of the two of them together throughout the two years they have been dating.

"Aww, it so cute." He said, looking up at her. "Thank you." He kissed her cheek. "Now I need to give you mine."
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small box. He handed it to Alice, she looked up at him. "Open it."

She opened up the lid, inside was a beautiful sapphire ring.


"Alice" he grabbed her hand. "Will you marry me?"

"Oh my days, yes!!" She threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. A few tears fell and landed on Dolph's shoulder.

"I hope they're happy tears." He chuckled, Alice pulled out of the hug and stared into his eyes.

"I love you, Dolph."

"I love you too. Happy Anniversary"

The feels xxx

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