📱 Voicemail 📱

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Genre: Fluff?

Warning(s): Mentions of vomit (nothing gross, or descriptive, or anything; just for the people out there with bad emetophobia)


Zander's P.O.V.

Zander grudgingly walked into his room, and tiredly plopped down onto his bed, while carrying the big clear plastic salad bowl his mother had given him. He now lied face flat, into his bed, in utter defeat.

Just a couple of hours ago, he was at Milly's house. The music club decided to have a collective sleepover, the first Jake would have ever been too. Usually they would do those at Zander and Hailey's house, but Milly insisted on it being at her place for once. The whole entire day Zander had felt off, and had a bit of a headache. But his PSAT test scores were meant to be coming back soon, so he just chalked it up to stress. This very clearly became not the case though, as when as soon as he took a bite of the pizza that was ordered, he became overwhelmed with nausea, and ended up vomiting in the sink of Milly's kitchen. That was not a high moment in his life.

Not too long after, Zander's mom came, and drove him back home, but the car ride only made him feel worse. He rolled his head over, so his face was no longer stuffed into his mattress, and instead just resting on its side. He stared at the big clear bowl with dread, hoping he wouldn't have to use it, but very well knowing he would eventually have to. He was happy he at least didn't have a sore throat. Not yet at least.

Zander then heard a small ping come from his phone. He pulled the phone out from his pocket, and gazed at it with drowsy eyes. It was a message from Hailey. He unlocked his phone, and the message read, in all caps, "IGNORE THE VOICEMAIL FROM LUKE." Zander looked at his inbox, and there was a voice message from Luke. He must have missed the notification for it on the car ride back home.

Zander sent a text in reply, "Why?"

His phone made a small ping when Hailey sent another message, "Just ignore it." Well that told him absolutely nothing. Luke was his best friend. Why couldn't he listen to the voicemail he left him?

On a normal day, Zander would probably text Hailey more, questioning her, but he was too worn out for that. He knew in the end, unless Hailey could give him an actual good reason (which it seemed like she wasn't going to do) he would end up listening to the voicemail anyway.

So, Zander pressed a finger to his phone, to hit the play button.


Luke's P.O.V.

Luke clicked the button on his phone, to where he started to record his voicemail. He hung up before Zander could answer. Since Zander was sick, he obviously didn't want to make him talk on the phone.

"Hey Zander!" Luke beamed, a good bit louder than he realized. He was delirious. To put it simply, Luke needed sleep to function. Like, really needed sleep to function. Whenever he stayed up past midnight, he would become loopy, loud, and tended to just say his thoughts out loud, which made him quite entertaining whenever he was at sleepovers. Because of this, his friends had started referring to this state Luke got in, as "sleep drunk." Because honestly, that was the best way to describe it.

"Why did I even call you?" Luke pondered, "I could've just texted. But it's fine! I'm not even entirely sure what I wanted to say. I guess I'll just talk though." Luke lifted his head up from his phone, and started to think of what to say. Right now he was in Milly's basement, lying stomach down on the ground. He had his phone on speaker phone in front of him, so that he didn't have to hold it to his ear. The only other person down in the basement with him was Hailey. She was lying on the old couch that was down there, listening to something through her earbuds. Jake, Milly, and Sean had gone up to Milly's room, because she had something she wanted to show them. Luke couldn't remember what.

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