🏹 In The Field 🏹

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Requested By: @JJ_the_Deert (So I got a tad carried away with this one, and made it a fantasy au, which I know probably isn't what you had in mind, but I still kept the events of your suggestion the same)

Genre: Angst/Fluff

Warning(s): Minor violence.

Backstory: This is a fantasy au.  Also (not that it really matters) but the characters are meant to be more like in their early twenties in this.


Rain was harshly pouring down from the sky, seeping into the ground, turning the dirt to a sloshy mud. A mud Zander's boots kept getting stuck in as he ran with his boyfriend, Luke, trying to escape them. The rain came down so rapidly that he could barely even see in front him, nonetheless his surroundings. The only thing he could see was Luke, whose arm he desperately clung onto, in an attempt to keep up with him, and trying to get as far away as possible. If they wanted any chance at escaping them they would need to run as far as they humanly could.

What they were running from was a group known as Heindurains, a civilization of creatures known as Elken. The Heindurains had become a sworn enemy of Zander and Luke's own tribe, and quite inconveniently, Elken had amazing vision, and without a doubt would be able to find Zander and Luke in this harsh rain if they could get close enough.

Zander knew they were in a field, but he didn't know how far out they were, or how close they were to home. But he had potions, a teleportation one specifically, and Zander knew if him and Luke could run far enough away, he could cast the potion, and send them home. They had been running for minutes now. Surely they were far out enough where they could take a small pause.

"Stop!" Zander called out, after stopping running, and immediately hunching over, placing his hand to his heart, out of breath. He hadn't ran that much in a while.

Luke quickly fumbled back, stopped running, and looked back at Zander, "What?"

"I think we've outran them enough to where I can prepare the potion in time before they catch up," Zander said, as he pulled his satch to his side, and opened it to see the plethora of potions that lay in there, "You stand guard while I find the potion."

"Okay," Luke panted. The running had tired him as well. He stood guard, wielding a small dagger. He had lost his sword earlier while fighting the Heindurains.

Zander rummaged his hands through his bag, trying to sort out which potion was what, and find the one that would send him and Luke back home. As Zander sorted, he annoyingly grunted, "Ugh! Why do all potions have to be yellow?!" It was true, that for whatever reason, no matter what ingredients went into a potion, they always turned out some shade of gold or yellow. Zander had a keen eye, and usually had no problem telling which potion was which, but the rain made it hard to see the finite differences in color.


He kept searching until he found the right potion. "Luke, I found it!" he popped off the cap, "I just have to do a small swab test first."


Zander didn't hear Luke. He was too focused on getting the swab test done as quickly as possible. He popped the potion's cap off, dipped his finger in it, and traced the liquid over the front of his wrist. That was how you were meant to test the potion's temperature, which was the purpose of the test in itself. After feeling a small warm buzz over where Zander applied the potion, he concluded, "The potion is right! Now I just need to-"


"What?!" Zander quickly looked up as a result of his boyfriend's yelling, hearing him for the first time. But then, off to the side of him, Zander saw it. He saw what Luke was yelling about. It was a tall lengthy elken, with slightly transparent, desaturated, sickly skin. Their hair was long and clumped together, noted mostly due to the rain. They had yellow eyes with black slits that were staring into his soul, and mud was traced across their face in a pattern that confirmed: they weren't just any Elken. They were Heindurain. And they were holding a bow n' arrow that was pointed directly toward Zander.

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