✨ Dancing In Lights ✨

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Genre: Fluff

Context: This takes place a few years back in eighth grade.


Zander lied face flat into the blue cloth couch his living room held, groaning in utter and complete annoyance.

"Come on, Zander!" He heard the voice of his step-sister plead, "It's thirty minutes away! We have to get going!"

"I don't want to go!" Zander retaliated, face still stuffed into cushion.

"It'll be fun!" Hailey called in attempted appeal.

"No it won't!" Zander rebutted, knowing very well he wouldn't enjoy the event the blue-haired girl was determined to bring him to. "That's what you said about the first school dance you dragged me to!"

"Well Luke wasn't at that one! Come on! It'll be fun, the three of us hanging out!"

"If we wanna hang out then we should just hang out here!" Zander yelled, further pushing his face into the couch, "Where it's quiet and we won't be surrounded by a bunch of pathetic buffoons!"

"You made a commitment! You said you would go!"

In response Zander just groaned, wanting to forget that he ever agreed to attend the school event. Hailey mirrored Zander's groan, being equally annoyed. Zander then started to fall under the impression he had won this argument due to Hailey's silence. This proved to be only momentary though, when he felt two hands grab at his ankles.

"Hailey!" he purple-haired boy exclaimed, alarmed by the sudden touch, "What the heck are you doing!"

He then started to feel a pull at his legs as his step-sister yelled, "You said you were going, so you are going! Even if I have to drag you there!"

Zander shouted, grabbing onto the couch as to keep himself on the piece of furniture, "Hailey, let go of me!"


The two step-siblings continued to fight and squirm across the couch. Zander kicked his legs attempting to get Hailey to let go, but she had a surprisingly strong grip. Hailey kept on pulling until Zander fell off the couch and onto the ground, causing a small thud.

"Ow!" Zander shouted, alarmed by the small pain. He then flipped himself over to see Hailey, who somehow still held onto his two ankles. "Stop fighting me!"

"No!" Hailey yelled, before then starting to drag Zander across the floor.

"Hailey, stop it! You're going to give me carpet burn!"

"I don't care!"

The young musicians continued fighting and squabbling until the pianist's mother entered the room.

"What is going on here?" Zander's mom asked, confused by the situation.

Hailey, seeing Zander's mom, took this immediately as an opportunity to get Zander to comply, "Tell your son he has to go to the eighth grade formal!"

"Zander, I thought you decided that you would go?"

"I changed my mind," Zander stated, "School dances are corny, pathetic, and terrible! I don't get why you want to go so bad, Hailey!"

"Because I was looking forward to having silly and dorky fun with my friends at a generally bad event, making the best of it," Hailey explained, slightly saddened, "Plus, it's the eighth grade formal. It's kind of a big one."

Not having a good response to Hailey's claim, Zander discontentedly grumbled.

With the two kid's argument flattening out, Zander's mom spoke, "Don't worry, sweetie. I'm not going to force you to go."

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