☀️ Sunlight Cuddles ☀️

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Genre: Fluff


A sun rose gleam entered through the dusty, pained windows of an old building apartment, as two boyfriends lay in their bed. The shorter of the two felt the other's arm lie on top of him, and wrap around his torso as he slept. Cautiously, his violet bangs falling in front of his eyes, he lifted his partner's arm, slowly allowing himself to sit up. Feeling the soft duvet comforter their bed held brush over him, he slowly lifted his legs out from under, turning himself, being as careful as he could to not wake his boyfriend. He placed his feet to the ground, hearing the small tap of them meeting the floor, but as he did so, he heard tired mumbles coming from behind.

"Zander?" a voice softly called out, being croaky from its early morning awakening, "What are you doing?"

Feeling his face cringe at knowing he had waken up his partner, Zander tried setting that aside, turning around to respond. "Hey, Luke," the young adult greeted, keeping his voice at a low volume, knowing Luke was probably only half awake, "I'm just getting ready for work." Then taking a hand to stroke through Luke's short auburn hair, Zander tried to lightly tuck their blanket back over him. "You just go back to sleep, okay?"

Luke quietly moaned, stuffing his face into a pillow. He groaned, "What time is it?"

"Oh," Zander uttered, then turning his gaze to his bedside table, which held a small clock, "It's seven o' four."

"Your work doesn't start until eight," Luke whined. He could be rather petty in the morning before he had the time to fully wake up. "You don't need to leave yet. It's only, like a fifteen-minute drive."

"Well, yeah, but I kinda wanted to get there early," Zander explained, fidgeting with his hands, "My boss hasn't been super happy with my performance lately, so I was thinking of trying to get a head start on some stuff."

"Well, your boss sucks. I've met him before -- he's mean," Luke mumbled, still having his head tiredly stuffed into that pillow, "You should stay here with me instead."

Zander chuckled, "What would we even do?"

"Cuddle," Luke cooed, sweetly looking up to Zander's periwinkle eyes.

"I should really get ready," Zander said, expecting to hear some kind of retaliation. But instead, he just saw Luke continue to look up at him, holding that same sweet expression, as his big butterscotch eyes innocently blinked at him. Feeling a warmth grow in his cheeks, Zander succumbed, "Fine, I'll stay."

"Yay," Luke drowsily cheered. With how tired he seemed, Zander couldn't help but wonder if Luke would remember this later today.

Luke then proceeded to widely open up his left arm -- his right being smushes into the bed -- inviting Zander to a hug. Smiling, Zander eased himself back into the bed, under the comforter, stuffing himself into his boyfriend's chest, allowing Luke's arms to envelop him in a warm embrace. Wrapping his leg over Luke, Zander hummed, happy to be here in this morning time.

"This is nicer than going to work, right?"

"Yeah, it is," Zander agreed, nuzzling into Luke's neck, "I'll still have to go later."

"Not for now though."

With a change in the outside, a ray of bright sunlight beamed through the couple's window, and right onto them in bed. Feeling the sunlight against his face, Zander grimaced, pulling a blanket over his head, burying him and Luke into their own small blanketed cave.

Being up against Luke's chest, hearing his heart beat with his own, Zander purred, "I love you." Feeling the light vibrations of Luke humming back, Luke then replied.

"I love you too."


Is this really short? Yes. Does it have no real plot? Yes. But am I uploading it anyway? Yeah >:D

This was really just something small I wrote in order to get myself back into writing since I haven't in a couple days, but I thought it was worth uploading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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