Meet The Author QnA (100 Follower Special)

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We reached 100 followers! Thank you guys -- all of you -- so much! I never thought when I uploaded that first chapter of Blocked Away that this account would go this far, but I'm so glad it has. If I'm ever feeling down, reading through all the wonderful comments you guys all leave me always makes me feel better, so thank you so much, everyone.

I thought doing a small QnA would be a fun way to celebrate, so here it is! Let's get onto it ^^


Q: Besides TMF, what are your fandoms? (Asked by @Clarizzidashpie)

A: Right now I don't know if there's any other fandoms I'm really a big part of. But there are still a lot of different things I watch/read/listen to even if I'm not part of the fandom, so I'll just rattle a couple of my current favorites off.

TV Shows: Superstore, Brooklyn 99, Wandavision, The Owl House, One Day At A Time (the reboot), The Queen's Gambit, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, The Good Place, and The Flight Attendant. I'm a little bit of a mixed basket when it comes to genre tastes 😅

Movies: Anything by Pixar or Marvel.

Book Series: A Series of Unfortunate Events and The Hunger Games.

Musical Artists: (I know this doesn't quite fit here but I wanted to try to work this in somehow lol) AJR, Indila, Zaz, Neoni, and Ricky Montgomery.

Q: What's my favorite TMF ship? (Asked by @_-DYLXN-_ and @Strxwberry_Sugxr)

A: This probably isn't very shocking, but Lander is definitely my favorite TMF ship. At the moment it's honestly just my favorite ship period, across all fandoms XD It's not even funny how much time I spend thinking about it and possible writing ideas for the future for it.

Q: What's my least favorite TMF ship? (Asked by @Strxwberry_Sugxr)

A: So, ignoring the obvious nos such as Zailey, my least favorite would probably either be Drander or Moey (I think that's what people call Milly x Zoey). Obviously all ships are valid and I have no problem if you ship these. I just struggle with enemies to lovers type ships. It's even put a notch in how much I like Jailey (even though they weren't straight up enemies per se), but I definitely still ship it.

Q: What's my favorite episode of TMF? (Asked by @Strxwberry_Sugxr)

A: Probably pretty unshockingly once again, my favorite episode is five. I'm a complete Lander head XD But also, like, the animation is so wonderful. And I'm really hyped for episode six owo

Q: Have you watched Miraculous Ladybug? If so, who's your favorite character? (Asked by @Melsierralee)

A: Yes, I have watched Miraculous Ladybug, but it was also a good while ago. I haven't watched the most recent season or two 😅 Even though it's been a bit, I remember liking Chat Noir. I'd probably have to rewatch it in order to confirm that though.

Q: How did you find TMF? (Asked by @Xxkk_the_potatoxX)

A: I used to watch gacha mini movies a lot (not as much anymore) and eventually TMF made its way into my recommended, and I checked it out.

Q: When did you start shipping Lander? (Asked by @Clarizzidashpie)

A: To answer this one I'm gonna go a bit off on a side tangent explaining the evolution of my opinion of Lander instead, because I laugh a bit thinking what I thought of it before. So, my first impressions of Lander were during episode two when Luke got all menacing on Jake and stuff. Basically after seeing that my brain thought, "Okay, it was just introduced that the salty one is gay, and now his friend is being protective of him. They'll probably end up together. Okay, whatever :/" So I guess at that point I kind of shipped it, but I didn't really care. When episode four came along I got a little more into it and was like, "Aw, that's cute :)" So by then I would say I shipped it, but I still didn't care too much. At this point I wasn't super into TMF at all really. I just watched the new episodes. But then the teaser for episode five came out, and I truly don't know why this happened, but the second I watched that trailer, something just clicked in my brain and it went, "I AM NOW OBSESSED WITH THIS SERIES AND DESPERATELY WANT THESE TWO BOYS TOGETHER." I don't know why that happened XD It just did. By then I was definitely hardcore shipping it. Then episode five came out and the obsession further grew to the point I wrote a fanfic to deal with it XD

Q: How are you? Describe how you feel in a sophisticated way lel (Asked by @Kezkake)

A: I have to be sophisticated? Okay, I'll describe how I feel in the most wordy way I can XD At the moment I feel slight humor as a result of my minor childish amusement in this question for some inane reason. I also feel slightly above temperature due to my preposterous clinging to thick clothing and downy blankets in this already warm weather. In overall summary though, I am of overall contentedness :) (I hope that's what you wanted lol)

Q: Besides writing (and drawing since I know you are amazing at that), what are your other hobbies? (Asked by @Clarizzidashpie)

A: First off, that you for the compliment ^^ Second off, I don't really have any others 😅 I occasionally animate and screenwrite, but those are kind of cousins to drawing and writing. I know this is also writing, but I do also write poetry for fun sometimes.

Q: Would you rather draw or write on any ordinary day? (Asked by @neophytes_assuredly)

A: Draw. Those who follow my TMF arts and doodles book know that I upload to that far more often. I overall tend to think of myself as an artist more than a writer, but I have definitely been getting a lot more into writing in the past year.

Q: What inspired you to start writing? (Asked by @Strxwberry_Sugxr)

A: There are a lot of different small things, but more than anything just my own thoughts. I had a lot of them and I just decided it would be fun to actually put them down on paper. All the different amazing books I've read over the years of course also played a big factor.

Q: How long have you been writing? (Asked by @Strxwberry_Sugxr)

A: Not that long really. Blocked Away is actually the first ever proper story I wrote. I had always liked creative writing over the years. Like, in english class, whenever we had one of those continuation narrative assignments I would love those so much. And I've been coming up with stories and ocs in my head for a long time, but I just never wrote them down. So I've had a strong interest in creative writing for a good three to four years now, but back when I first wrote Blocked Away I would say is when it actually became a hobby for me.

Q: When did you start drawing? (Asked by @Kezkake)

A: Unlike writing, I have been drawing for a very long time. I've been told that ever since I was a toddler I would draw a lot. I started doing digital drawings on my phone around five years ago.

Q: Favorite story you've written? (Asked by @Kezkake)

A: Blocked Away is the only one I've finished, so... I guess that XD

Q: Opinion on chocolate? (Asked by @Kezkake)

A: Chocolate is pretty dope. Chocolate candies are superior to hard candies in every way, shape, and form. I'd say my favorite type of chocolate is definitely dark.

Q: And finally... HOW ARE YOU SO DAMN GOOD AT WRITING- (Asked by @Strxwberry_Sugxr)

A: Tsym TwT I don't have any major techniques I use or anything. One thing I do that usually helps is whenever I write a chapter I write a small timeline for it that gets the base actions of the characters and dialogue down before writing the final chapter. Reading and learning from amazing authors such as yourself always helps as well <3


-Before ending this I think I'll add some random facts about myself :)

-I'm vegetarian

-I have too many ocs to count

-I probably listen to at least two hours of music a day XD (probably more lol)

-I'm a little too obsessed with sitcoms

-I'm bi/pan (I like both labels uwu)

-I way too many TMF AUs; I know the only ones I've talked about over on my art book are my TOH and B99 AU, but omg, I must have at least twenty different ones- Legit, I came up with two new ones yesterday alone; I honestly have a TMF AU to pretty much every show I watch, but most of them are for thinking about and I probably won't actually do anything with

-I also have way too many TMF fanfic ideas XD

-I know some french; I have limited proficiency right now and I'm working on becoming fully proficient


Well, I think that's all for now. But seriously, thank you all so much for 100 followers! I hope you enjoyed getting to learn a little more about me :D Have a good day, everyone ^^

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