Chapter Twenty-Two

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Lexa stirs in her sleep with furrowed brows seeing pieces of her life play in her dreams.

~Lexa at the age of six in battle with Anya~

"Stay close Leska," Anya says sternly as she finishes applying the war paint to Lexa's face

Lexa gives a silent nod once Anya finishes 

Once the battle erupts everything is overwhelming to her. She feels so small surrounded by all the tall warriors. There's blood splattering everywhere and yelling and screaming heard. She watches the bodies of her warriors drop around her as arrows fly overhead from the enemy.

Lexa stays close to Anya. Enemy warriors start approaching. 

"Stay behind me Leska," She orders

Lexa watches her fight four warriors at once with her dual swords. She makes quick work of three and is going towards the fourth when a fifth comes out of nowhere with a sword raised. 

"Onya!" Lexa yells out 

Anya thrusts her blade into the warrior she had in front of her not hearing Lexa's small voice over the loud sounds from the battle.

Lexa runs and slides in the mud closing the distance between the warrior and Anya. The man had his sword above his head ready to swing down on Anya. Lexa came to her feet with one sword held in the air. She blocks his sword from coming down but struggles to hold it against his strength. He mocks her and laughs at her lack of strength to hold him off. Tears roll down her face as he is gaining more ground on her. She knows she won't be able to hold him. 

"You don't have to be the strongest to win Leska. You are wise, use that to your advantage." She hears echoing in her mind. Words Anya has said to her many times before.

Lexa grits her teeth and lets herself fall to the ground abruptly letting her sword break from the warriors. He had all his weight down on that blade a moment ago and didn't expect the sudden break and he fell forward slightly. Lexa brought her blade up and thrust it into his stomach. Her eyes go wide as he falls forward onto her.

Anya turns around hearing the thump of the man's body hitting the ground and the clattering of his fallen sword. She looks around frantically for her second, then she sees one of her tiny boots peeking out the side from the man's limp body.

"LESKA!" She yells fearfully as she quickly moves the man off her.

Lexa is covered in his blood. Her war paint smudged. Black paint cascading down her cheeks in the form of tears for her earlier emotions at the thought of almost losing her mentor. 

Anya cups her face carefully 

"Are you okay?" She asks as she looks up and down her 

Lexa gives a nod 

Anya scans their surroundings for a moment as she lets out a deep breath in relief

"Leska what you did was stupid. You could have died," Anya scolds her

"He was going to kill you!" Lexa cries 

"Our people need you more than they need me goufa (child)," She says softly 

"I couldn't let you die. I need you," She says as her bottom lip trembles 

Anya knows she should scold her that she is showing weakness but she doesn't. She pulls her in for a hug and softly rubs her back before breaking and picking up her swords.  

Lexa looks at the dead man. Anya pulls her sword out of him and hands it to her. 

"Leska look at me," She says sternly 

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