Chapter Four

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After completing Heda's duties for the afternoon Anya decides to go retrieve the radio to try and contact Raven before she has training with the natblidas. (night bloods) She makes her way to Wanhedas chambers. She knocks softly but after no response, she enters slowly and notices Clarke's pants in front of the bed and the two cuddled into one another with Lexa's arm around the younger girl. Anya smirks and retrieves the radio. Lexa slowly opens her eyes and sees Anya and slowly retrieves her hand that was around Clarke.

"I knocked but nobody answered," she says with a shrug looking down at the two.

Lexa quietly chuckles "I'm not surprised Sky people sleep like bears in hibernation. Clarke put a sleep aide in my tea, so it appears my ears aren't as sensitive as they use to be. If it took me this long to hear you."

Anya laughs "Oh I'm well aware of how heavy they sleep. I'm convinced Raven could sleep through a stampede."

Lexa's eyebrows quirk in curiosity. "You have become close to Raven of the sky?"

Anya nods and she looks back at Clarke and then to her. "I see you have become close to the Skaiprisa?" Lexa smiles softly looking down at Clarke who is drooling a little on her while sleeping.

"I'm happy that you have opened your heart up once again Leska."

"How long have i been asleep?" changing the subject quickly

"According to Titus a total of seven days," she answers stern

"That's too much time. What are the ambassadors saying?" Lexa asks wide-eyed not realizing how much time has truly passed.

"Some think you are unfit to command and weak. But after I told them the next one who questions me is getting tied to a tree, they stopped wasting my time with their endless bickering," she says nonchalantly

Lexa slowly moves Clarke off of her shoulder without waking her. "Anya, can you help me get ready?" I need to show my face.

"Do you really think that's the best idea right now?" she sees Lexa wince slightly as she tries to get out of bed. she watches as the girl looks like a newborn horse trying to take a few steps. she holds her arms out ready to stabilize her former second if she needs it. Lexa lets out a quiet grunt and gets her balance. She grabs the gear from the dresser. 

She exits quietly with Anya to go into her chambers to change. she turns to the guards outside Wanheda's door. "Nou bash op ste gon Kom op gon em." (no harm is to come to her) 

"yes Heda," they respond in unison.

Anya starts getting Lexa's clothes together, while a handmaid helps Lexa take a quick bath. Anya uses this time to Contact Raven. 

"Raven of the sky" 

"Hey Rambo, miss me already?" 

Smirking "I always miss you, Raven. But I'm afraid this will be all business for now... I expect answers for the blockade." She finishes in a stern voice.

"Is this how you get information from people? sheesh, wine and dine a girl, first love."

"Why don't you ask your friend Murphy how I normally get my information,"  she says with a proud smile on her face. 

"I have a feeling it involves a weapon of some sort. As much as I'm into trying new about you tell me what you need."

Anya laughs a little while holding down the button "I need to know what's going on with Pike. We have a war meeting today with the ambassadors on the progress." 

"Well... Bellamy may have killed the two messengers you guys sent to let them know to turn in Pike. Kane, Sinclair, Lincoln, and Octavia have been taken into custody. I think Pike is going to execute them. I'm sorry... I know this puts you guys in a hard position." 

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