Chapter Fifteen

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"It is now. I'm not letting it out of my sight and I'm the only one who knows the passphrase." She replies

Lexa cocks her head up knowing that isn't true but decides to trust Clarke.

"You'll need to look like my prisoner," Roan says to Clarke

"Wouldn't be the first time I've been your prisoner." She says in a sarcastic tone

Lexa leads the team through the tunnel system while Roan takes Clarke to the rally point for the trap. Unfortunately, Jaha meets them and not Ontari. They spot Clarke and Roan at the meeting point but there's a crowd that starts coming out of nowhere and there's no sight of Ontari.

"Something isn't right.." Lexa says as she unsheathes her sword. But just Bellamy goes to point his gun, people come up behind them and disarm them.

Someone in the crowd shoots Roan while Jaha and Ali's mind-controlled swarm take Clarke.

Clarke is dragged into the throne room where she sees her mother.

"Clarke I've missed you," Abby says

"I won't take the chip, ever," Clarke says softly back

"Right now we just need help with the Flame. What's the passphrase, Clarke?"

After a few moments of silence, Jaha interjects, "Stubborn, like her mother."

Two of the men grab Clarke and bind her to the pole in the room where Emerson was held not that long ago.

"Mom... please don't let them do this!" She pleads

"I'm not letting them do it. I'm doing it." She replies while cupping her daughter's face

Abby takes out her surgical tools and grabs a ten blade and asks what the passphrase is. When she doesn't get a response, she slowly stabs Clarke under her collar bone. She asks Clarke again and when she doesn't get a reply, she once again stabs her slowly.

"Just tell us what we need to know Clarke," Jaha says

"I told you, her friends are her weakness," Alie says

"Start with Bellamy Blake," Abby says

Clarke's eyes go wide

In the tunnel, one of Alie's goons grabs Bellamy up and starts dragging him away. A familiar voice is overheard

"I'd hit the deck if I were you."

"Joh... Murphy?" Lexa asks

Murphy emerges.

Lexa gets up quickly and tells everyone to get down while tackling Bellamy down.

Indra and Pike shoot down everyone who is left standing who was controlled by Alie.

"More will come, we have to hurry," Indra says as she helps Lexa up.

"What are you doing here?" Bellamy asks

"You're welcome," Murphy says back with an annoyed look on his face

"I'm glad you are alright," Lexa says towards Murphy

"You're with Pike?" Octavia asks Indra in disgust

"Only until this is over," Indra replies with a stern face

"I said it was time to go," Murphy shouts

"We can't leave, Clarke's in trouble," Bellamy says in an annoyed tone

"She's always in trouble," Murphy retorts in a sarcastic tone

"That she is," Lexa says with a slight smile

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