𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺-𝘴𝘪𝘹

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"Stiles...?" Mason poked the sleeping male's ribs in an attempt to try and wake him up. "Stiles..."

"Hmm?" The boy finally responded.

"What would you do if, I died?" Mason bluntly asked which made the boy next to him shoot up.

"Huh? What are you talking bout?" Stiles asked as all the traces of sleepiness gone and now replaced with worry. "Why are you bringing up such a topic?"

"I don't know... I just- it just a hypothetical question." Mason decided to say instead of voicing his concerns.

"Okay, what's really going on?" Stiles turned his tired gaze to Mason, who was trying so hard not to look nervous.

"Nothing. I told you it's just an hypothetical question." Mason tried to assure the boy as best he could. "Come can you just answer." He wines.

"This isn't a question we're discussing because it's never going to happen." Stiles told Mason sternly. "I know your probably scared because of what happened at the hotel, but I promise nothing will happen to you as long as I'm around, okay?" He placed both his hands on Mason's cheeks and gave him a light peck on the lips for a little bit of comfort.

"...Okay..." Mason allowed himself to relax in Stiles' hold.

"Are you okay now?" Mason nods. "Good." Stiles lays down and placed Mason's head on his chest and wraps his arms firmly around the boy. "....And for the record if somehow you did die, I'd go bat-shit crazy and do everything in my power to try and bring you back even if it meant make a deal with Satan himself."

Mason shifted his head to look towards Stiles with watery eyes. "You'd make a deal with Satan for me?" His voiced wavered.

"Probably not, but I'd look for other methods." Mason chuckled finding his boyfriend rather amusing. "Did that satisfy your curiosity?" Stiles asked closing his eyes.

"Yes, and thank you for answering honestly." Mason lays his head back on Stiles' chest and listened to his softly beating heart.

"Was there any other way of answering?" Stiles asked rhetorically.

"There where many ways to answer that question, but I'm happy with your answer." Mason said as he snuggled closer to the boy.


"Good morning." Ms. Blake greeted the students with a bright smile. "As you all know Mr. Harris is still missing- I mean sick. Anyway I'm filling in, while he all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take over my place." She sighed. "Okay so, let's get started shall we?"

"I don't like that woman." Mason grumbled into his elbow. "She smells weird."

"Weird how?" Stiles asked because he too felt Ms. Blake wasn't who she said she was or what she was. "Does she smell like someone who would cause a lot of deaths? What does death even smell like?" Stiles asked letting his mind wonder a bit.

"I can't tell you what death smells like because I haven't smell a lot of dead bodies recently." Mason lifted his head to deliver a sarcastic remark to Stiles. "But I can tell you she smells like rotten meat that's been set on fire and sprinkled shit." He tried to describe the smell of the woman as best as he could to Stiles.

"Uh-huh... Scott what do you smell?" Stiles turned around to ask his bestfriend, who was completely lost in the couple's conversation. "Scott?"

"....I need to go." Scott said confusing both Mason and Stiles.

"Scott, what happened?" Mason turned to ask.

"Deaton." Was all Scott said before grabbing his bag and rushing out of class. Ms. Blake called after the teen, but he just kept running.

"Uh...?" Mason turned to Stiles.

"I'm gonna call my dad."

"Yeah. Good idea."


"Alright." Shariff Stilinski placed his hand on the young beta's shoulder. "We're doing everything we can and the best thing you could do is go back to school." The trio nodded and watched the Shariff walk away.

"We're not gonna listen to him right?" Mason asked when Noah was a safe distance away from them.

"Whenever have we been known to listen authority?" Stiles asked. Mason nodded, agreeing with his boyfriend.

"Guys." Scott whispered to the couple getting their attention. He cocked his head to he side, signaling the two to follow him.

Stiles and Mason followed Scott to the cage-room(?) of veterinarian clinic. Scott guided the two inside and shut the door, so they could talk freely in private.

"We have to tell him?" Scott looked past Mason to look into Stiles eyes, which let Mason know this conversation didn't have anything to do with him but that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to listen.

"You mean like? Tell him, tell him?" Scott gave Stiles a knowing look that said "you know exactly what I mean". "Or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you wanna tell him?"

"You know what I mean." Scott answered.

"Remember how your mother reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for like a week." Stiles points out.

"And she got over it." Scott tried to ease his worried bestfriend. "And in a way it made us closer." He added.

Although the conversation seemed quite interesting, Mason was far more interested in the liquid silver leaking from his nose. He raised his arm to wipe the substance away when he stopped to realized, he was wearing black.

No way in hell am I ruining one of my favorite sweaters! The stubborn boy thought so instead he wiped the silver substance on his hands and wiped it on the wall. Problem solved.


"Huh?" The boy turned around to face Stiles and Scott who both had matching confused looks on their faces. "What?"

"What did you just put on the wall?" Scott asked as he focused on the liquid mercury staining the wall.

"Oh, that." He pointed to the silver stuff on the wall. "It's paint. I think I might have touched a wet light pole or something." He chuckled trying to divert their attention somewhere else. "Is that out guidance counselor?" He pointed.

"What the—" Scott walked out of the room with Stiles and Mason right behind him. The trio tried to catch whatever Ms. Morrell was saying to the cops and unfortunately they were a little late.

Marin turned to the boys after the sheriff and his deputy excused themselves. She walked towards the teenagers. "Listen closely you three." She began. "No sheriff, deputy, or detective is going to find him."

"You don't have to ask us for help."

"Actually, I'm trying to help you." Marin told the teens. "Because if your going to find my brother you need to use the one person who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural." Marin hinted at the strawberry blonde, death sensing, Martin girl.



I'm sorry for being such a stupid-bitch and not posting 😭 please look past this and still continue to read.

𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦,  𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒌𝒊Where stories live. Discover now