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"I'm just trying to protect you from reality" - y/n y/l/n

When I walked out of Dumbledore's office Tom stood in front of me blocking my was so I couldn't leave.

"My brother has told me all about you" he smirked he was evil I could tell by his eyes.

"H-he has" I was hesitant he was towering over me.

Tom thought by y/n showing him around he could slit her throat were no one was at. He was already planning on interfering with his brothers plan.

"I'm not showing you around I think you can find your away around here" I said looking into his emerald eyes they were Hypnotizing. "Why the hell do you have to be so stubborn"

"Stay away from me I don't want anything to do with you or your brother"

"I know Darling but you see... I despise you... I don't like you.. you got my poor brother expelled because of your mouth"

I rolled my eyes he was annoying.

"Well your Mattheo Deserved to get expelled he hurt me and my so called friend"

"You deserved to get hurt" and with that he stormed off.

Tom couldn't kill her on the spot there was to many people. He thought he could just obliviate them but he couldn't risk it. He was furious he now understands why Mattheo Hates her and wants to kill her. He wasn't going to tell his brother that he was also planning on committing a crime on the person he also wanted to commit a crime on.

Tom could never control his anger.

So before he killed her he wanted to play with her. With her mind. And nothing else.

He was manipulative and he could get people to trust him then he would break them to leave them broken. And depressed no matter what the situation was.

He intended on hurting people that is just what he enjoyed.
I was happy that I didn't get to show that prat around the school.

If Mattheo's brother is attending Hogwarts Mattheo has to be around here somewhere but I did not want to see him nor talk to him or get attached because when he first left I was very unstable.

So that meant I was getting attached and we nearly spoke. It was ridiculous.

I went to the great hall and sat with Leo & Hermione how could he do this to her I was going to tell her she deserves to know. If I did not know my boyfriend was cheating on me and my best friend knew I would dump my best friend and boyfriend with no regret.

But I was single so I hope that never happens.

"Hello may I talk to you in private" I said to Hermione in a soft tone so Leo did not hear.

"Yes of course anything for you" she said smiling it crushed me that i sucked Leo off and he was also going behind Hermione's back and cheating on her.

Leo has changed and I was there to witness it if I could bring back old times I would. Me and her made our way out of the great hall and then we both ran into something hard.

It was those two prats.

Mattheo & Tom

The brothers.

"Watch were you are going you mud-blood" Mattheo growled at Hermione it killed her mood. "And for you, you are a filthy animal you snitch" Mattheo's words came out like venom from a snakes mouth.

toxic ; Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now