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"Get out you make me sick"
⚠️Contains/swearing/metal break down/mention's of pregnancy⚠️

~Mattheo pov~
This was my fault I was the one who thought it would be a good idea to make y/n jealous and also it was my fault for having a weak pull out game. It didn't bother me when ever I came in y/n but with Vincella I was risking my life.

I know have to stay with her I might not love her like I do y/n but I have to stay there for the baby I don't want to tell y/n but I have to it's going to kill me though, she is going to be so hurt.

I calmed her down and told her to get rest because it wasn't good for the baby. My next mission was to go find y/n and break all tie's with her meaning no more romance or hook ups as much as it killed me... it had to be done.

~Vincella pov~
I felt bad for lying about my pregnancy but it had to be done to keep him with me I need to send a letter to my father about Mattheo and I.

I got up and went over to the desk Mattheo went off somewhere I couldn't bother caring where he went I didn't want to get pregnant I want to travel the world and do something with my life so I'm going to lie to him and tell him I can't get pregnant.

Dear Father
I had to lie about my pregnancy to keep him so I'm not really pregnant. But I was wondering since I went to the doctors and they said I can't possibly get pregnant if you could do me a favor.
Make an a arranged marriage between me and Mattheo. So the forces could join and become one I know it might take a few years but it's worth it. Because Mattheo loves someone else so that is another reason for the arranged marriage. Please write back soon
From Vincella

I put the letter in the envelope and sent it off. My plan was going to work out great.

~Mattheo pov~
I decided it was best to not tell y/n right now but wait to get to Hogwarts and tell her. I at least want one more last taste of her. Her perfect body turns me on thinking about it.

I want to see her... but I can't I need to get used to not seeing her and not touching her like I used to. It's going to hurt the both of us a lot. My life is now useless without her. Vincella could never be her. I could never love Vincella like I love y/n

I remember all the times me and y/n spent together some of them aren't the best but others I would love to re live

I went back to me and Vincella's room and saw that she was already asleep. I laid next to her and closed my eyes trying to imagine y/n instead of her but sadly she could never be y/n.

I fell asleep within a few minutes I stayed up for a bit imagining y/n and all the things I would do to her

I wanted to feel her kisses and her soft touches I missed the way she pulled me into a kiss

She was the only one whom showed me affection and real love even though she never said 'I love you' I already knew she did love me

And I loved her

But now she could never be mine and now she was free from me she didnt have to worry about me being possessive over her even though deep down I always will be

I am going to leave my markings on her so no matter how long she tries and forget me.

my markings on her will always be there to remind her I'm always going to be connected to her in some way

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