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"Fuck off Mattheo I would never let you touch me agian"

⚠️Warning, Degrading, low self esteem, drinking, drugs, sex⚠️

"We need to talk" I said while crossing my arms in disapproval of his actions

He got up and started to unzip his pants

"No no not that type of I want to talk"

"Then what do you want to talk to me about?" He question's

"So was I seriously just one of your hook ups" I started to get mad at the thought of him using me

"Yes dont you under stand I dont have any feelings for you once i saw riddles markings on you today i was more than upset so stay away from me whore unless you want to get used again" he yelled at me

Tears were about to fall down my face but that was interrupted by leo punching Draco in the face

I tried to pry leo off of him it did not work the first few times but eventually I got him off of Draco this is Dracos second time getting punched in the face in only one hour I was assuming he put a spell on his face from when Mattheo punched him

Leo took my wrist and dragged me into his dorm when we got into his dorm Tom was sitting on the desk

"We need to talk" he sat on his chair by the desk

"You deserve someone better" he crossed his arms and Tom nodded his head in agreement

"I know but it's not like I'm dating them also they both don't have any feelings for me" I said giving him a frown

"We'll see about that" Tom said

"I was going to ask you to fake date but I realized that it wouldn't be a shock if we dated" Leo continued "So me and Tom came up with an idea... you can fake date Tom if you want" he started to play with a pencil on his desk

I had to think about it for a second... it would shock everyone... I would love to see the look on Mattheo and Draco's face

"Okay I guess it wouldn't hurt to fake date Tom" I smiled at him and he nodded

"So where do we start?" I question them

"Well there is a meeting in the great hall..." Tom started to walk over to me to open the door for me

We walked into the great hall holding hands

Why would he do such a thing for me? Did I also remind him of his sister

All eyes were on us when we walked into the great hall I felt a pair of eyes on me

I knew who exactly who was staring at me I grinned at the thought of him getting jealous

We sat at the Slytherin table diagonal of Draco & Mattheo

I whispered into Tom's ear "I forgot to ask but why are you doing this for me"

"Because our father cares about you... and it's best if i keep you safe... me and Mattheo were going to murder you but once our father said calm down in the Malfoy manner... me and Mattheo read his mind... he cares for you because you remind him of his daughter who doesn't come around because of their mother" he whispered back to me

"Oh okay... why in the hell were you going to murder me" I raised my voice a little bit

"It's a long story" he tightened his grip on my hand

I rolled my eyes and focused on what Dumbledore was about to say

"So since the heir of Slytherin opened the chamber of secret's I decided Hogwarts should visit Paris for two weeks and take a break from exams and get a few people from the ministry of magic to take care of it... each house will get there own mansion once we get to Paris each person will have their own bathroom and room... I'm only doing this because it is not safe in Hogwarts... if the problem is not taken care of in two weeks... we will be staying in Paris until it is taken care of am I under stood" Dumbledore spoke he gazed at the crowd of students who had faces of pure happiness

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